Women in Canadian tech jobs, with a bachelor’s degree or higher, earn nearly $20,000 less a year than their male counterparts — and that pay gap can be just as stark for visible minority and Indigenous tech workers, a new study says. The Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, housed within Ryerson University in Toronto, crunched […]
The federal government says it’s preparing to address one of the key tax issues that has caused massive headaches for government employees overpaid by its problem-plagued civil service pay system. The Finance Department has drafted legislation that would see overpaid employees, regardless of who they work for, required to repay only the amounts deposited into […]
He listens to Christmas wishes, answers questions about the North Pole, Mrs. Claus and his elves and patiently takes pictures with cranky children and wailing babies. And he does it all with cheer. Santa Claus is coming to town, but the truth is, he ain’t free. In Canada, people working as Santa Claus can earn […]
Canadian workers’ pay isn’t about to skyrocket, according to a new survey by Willis Towers Watson. The survey found pay raises will likely remain at an average of 2.8 per cent for client management employees in 2019, the same rate as last year. The outlook is also flat, at 2.7 per cent, for employees in production and manual labour. […]
Canadian employees can expect very slightly higher salary increases in 2019, compared to 2018, according to Aon’s 2018/19 salary planning report. The survey, based on responses from 365 Canadian companies, projected base pay will rise by 2.8 per cent in 2019, compared to the 2018 actual average total salary increase of 2.7 per cent, including […]
The vast majority (91.8 per cent) of British Columbia’s government employees were covered by a registered pension plan in 2017, compared to just 17.7 per cent of their counterparts in the province’s private sector, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute. Among those covered by a registered pension, 94 per cent of government […]
Money is the leading reason Canadian employees would leave their job for another, according to a new survey by OfficeTeam. Its survey, which queried 500 office workers and more than 300 human resources managers, found 43 per cent of Canadian workers said they’d leave their job for one with higher pay. Other reasons included being bored or unchallenged by […]
Benefits like employer-paid registered retirement savings plan contributions are among payroll components to be subject to British Columbia’s new employer health tax. The B.C. government will begin levying the new health tax in January 2019 as it moves to eliminate the province’s medical services plan premiums. In a news release, the government said the transition […]
Almost 50 per cent of Canadian employers commonly give promotions without an increase in salary, according to a survey by OfficeTeam. The survey, which polled 300 human resources managers and more than 1,000 Canadian office workers older than 18, found that the number of employers offering promotions without salary hikes rose to 47 per cent this year […]
A federal spending watchdog says it could cost federal coffers more than $76 billion a year to provide a national, guaranteed minimum income similar to the one being tested in Ontario. The parliamentary budget officer says the federal government would have to find about $43.1 billion to cover the full cost of the program because […]