The National Police Federation, which represents 20,000 Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, has launched a class action claiming the federal government has wrongfully prevented part-time officers from buying back into their pension plan. In a press release, Brian Sauvé, president and chief executive officer at the NPF, said virtually the entire class of part-time officers […]
User personalization and an ease-of-use approach are key in the adoption of artificial intelligence technology tools by pension plan sponsors, according to a new report by the CFA Institute Research & Policy Centre. It found the application of AI has the potential to revolutionize plan sponsors’ administrative duties but will require a collaborative approach that […]
An independent review of the Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System will examine the unique governance structure of the investment organization. The current structure of the investment organization designates two separate entities with different duties and responsibilities, notes Jordan Fremont, a partner in the pensions and benefits group at Stikeman Elliott LLP. The OMERS Sponsors Corporation […]
Amendments to the federal Pension Benefits Standards Act must go beyond reporting transparency and clarify how additional disclosure requirements help monitor the health of Canadian pension plans, said the Pension Investment Association of Canada. In an open letter to Finance Canada, the PIAC said if current data collection processes for federally regulated plans aren’t achieving […]
An amendment to the federal Pension Benefit Standards Regulations that would establish solvency reserve accounts for federally regulated defined benefit pension plans requires additional clarity and flexibility for plan sponsors, said the Association of Canadian Pension Management. In an open letter to the Department of Finance, the organization said that the establishment of a solvency […]
The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ new plan sponsor guidelines surrounding investment fee transparency are a good first step, but require further development to make them more effective, says one expert. “[CAP sponsors are] still trying to understand what this [guidance] means,” says Joseph Bevilacqua, associate partner in Aon’s wealth solutions practice. “Fees can be […]
The Nova Scotia government is updating the provincial Pension Benefits Act to allow the unlocking of pension benefits. Effective April 1, 2025, plan members aged 55 and older will have a one-time ability to unlock up to 50 per cent of their locked-in funds when transferring to a life income fund. Read: Quebec’s amendment to […]
The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ guideline for risk management provides that plan administrators should create a framework to identify, evaluate, manage and monitor their plan’s material risks. The guideline encourages plan administrators to prepare a written statement with the plan’s risk appetite, risk tolerance and risk limits and that these elements are reflected […]
After a two-year consultation period, the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities released its 2024 guideline for capital accumulation plans in September. With a focus on improving plan governance and member outcomes, the 2024 guideline significantly increases compliance responsibilities for CAP sponsors. Updated regulatory guidelines are rarely shorter than their predecessors and the 2024 CAP […]
While the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ updated capital accumulation plan guideline contains several key updates with regard to plan sponsor and member responsibilities, smaller plan sponsors may face administrative challenges in applying the guidance, says Jordan Fremont, a partner at Stikeman Elliott LLP’s pensions and benefits group. “Because [the guideline] is so detailed, I […]