Keyword: pension communications

318 results found
Top 10 legal stories of 2019

Popular legal cases in 2019 covered age discrimination, bankruptcy proceedings, constructive dismissals and a range of other topics. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s most popular legal stories of the year: 1. Settlement reached in Ontario age discrimination benefits case 2. Ontario appeal court decision could change pension landscape in bankruptcy proceedings 3. Court confirms employer’s right to change job conditions 4. Class […]

Niagara Casinos gambles with innovative pension communications

In November 2018, Niagara Casinos set up a pop-up coffee shop, called NC Café, across its three locations for a week. It was part of the company’s annual pension communications strategy, which also includes messaging on the employee intranet, seminars, targeted mailings and plan updates on fee reductions, contribution increases or investment fund changes. “This […]

Are CAP sponsors changing contribution rates amid coronavirus?

With companies finding themselves strapped for cash in the wake of the coronavirus, are plan sponsors scaling back on the company match in capital accumulation plans? Looking at the bigger picture in the U.S., companies are more focused on keeping their businesses running than on their defined contribution plans, says Peg Knox, chief operating officer […]

70% of U.S. employees concerned about retirement savings: survey

The majority (70 per cent) of U.S. employees said their top financial concern is saving enough money for retirement, according to a new survey by StanCorp Financial Group Inc. The survey, which polled 1,000 full-time U.S. employees between the ages of 21 and 69, also found 57 per cent said they’re also concerned about monthly […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 13, 2019 November 11, 2020
  • 09:15
Legal case highlights thorny issue of consent benefits under DB pension plans

An important case around an employer’s ability to change its practice in granting consent benefits under a pension plan is winding its way through the courts. The case, Hall et al v Canadian National Railway, involves a dispute by a group of former employees of the Canadian National Railway Co. who resigned, prior to age 55, between the years […]

How employers are supporting employees’ financial literacy

It’s no surprise that FreshBooks takes its employees’ financial literacy seriously. The Toronto-based accounting software firm regularly holds lunch-and-learn workshops and hosts subject manner experts on a wide range of financial wellness topics, including investing basics and ethical investing, mortgages, building up savings and several aspects of tax preparation during tax season. It also offers […]

Should employers use social media to communicate pension, benefits?

As social media becomes increasingly pervasive, employers should consider adding the tool to their communications arsenal. Indeed, David McArthur, principal and creative director at Morello Communications Inc., says it’s too big a phenomenon for plan sponsors to ignore. “It’s something we’re certainly seeing a lot more of,” notes Cameron McNeill, senior vice-president and Canadian business […]

Half of Canadians confident they can manage investments in retirement: survey

Many Canadians are interested in learning more about how to manage their money as they make the transition to retirement, according to a new survey by Mackenzie Investments. About half (47 per cent) of baby boomers said they want to know more about how to make the transition to retirement. This age group is slightly more […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 14, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:20
Ontario pension bill includes changes to e-communications, missing members

With the introduction of Bill 132 in the Ontario legislature last week, pension plan sponsors should be aware of a number of amendments coming to the Pension Benefits Act. If passed, the changes will affect sections of the act that cover electronic communications, missing plan members and the conversion of single-employer pensions into a jointly […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 6, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 15:15
A look at how the legal landscape for DC pension plans is changing

Defined contribution plan sponsors are facing challenges that will shape the nature of their legal obligations to employees. Member communication is a key challenge, said Jon Marin, an associate in pension and benefits at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, during Benefits Canada’s 2019 Defined Contribution Investment Forum in Toronto on Sept. 27. “In the vast […]