Three-quarters (76 per cent) of U.K. employers offer alternative cash benefits to high earners in lieu of pension contributions, according to a new survey by WTW. From April 6, 2024, the U.K. government abolished the lifetime allowance from pension tax legislation, limiting the total amount of tax-free cash an individual can receive to a maximum […]
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario is promoting the importance of retirement planning and the value of a workplace pension on the third anniversary of Pension Awareness Day taking place today Feb. 20. In an emailed statement to Benefits Canada, Andrew Fung, executive vice-president of pensions at the FSRA, said he’s proud that more […]
The Co-operative Superannuation Society Pension Plan is in the middle of a years-long digital transformation that’s aiming to improve member experience. In addition to introducing a modernized and secure member portal, the CSS (No. 2 on the 2024 Top 50 Defined Contribution Plans report) is planning to start leveraging artificial intelligence, says Tami Dove, the […]
With many Canadian defined benefit pension plans in a strong funded position, plan sponsors, particularly those with unionized workforces, are increasingly discussing the use of surplus funds, says Gavin Benjamin, a partner in the retirement and benefits solutions practice at Telus Health. The funded position of a typical Canadian defined benefit pension plan rose on […]
A Saskatchewan arbitrator has ruled that Canadian Blood Services doesn’t owe an employee eight years of retroactive pension contributions because it took the proper steps to fix its failure to provide her with enrolment forms within the appropriate time limits. “The decision recognizes that mistakes happen in administering pension plans and that administrators can take […]
The funded ratio of U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plans declined to 98.5 per cent in fiscal 2023 from 99.4 per cent in 2022, according to a new report by Milliman Inc. The report, which reviews the financial disclosures of the 100 largest U.S. public corporate DB plans, found their average return on investments was […]
An article on the federal government’s 2023 fall economic statement was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Feds consider end of ‘30% rule’ for pensions, propose EI adoption benefit: fall economic statement 2. Former federal finance minister defends ‘sustainably successful’ CPP amid Alberta pension […]
The Association of Canadian Pension Management is reiterating its support for fully enabling automatic features in retirement savings plans, including defined contribution pensions, group registered retirement savings plans and group tax-free savings accounts. In a letter to the Ontario government, the association said the province’s employers want to implement automatic features that reduce red tape […]
Contributions to British Columbia-based defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans increased by 10 per cent in 2022, while contributions to target-benefit plans increased by 9.4 per cent, according to the B.C. Financial Services Authority’s annual pensions report. The report, which analyzed data from more than 600 pension plans, found overall plan membership increased by […]
About a third (32 per cent) of defined contribution pension plan sponsors that currently don’t use a financial wellness program say it’s because they don’t expect employees to take advantage of it, according to a new survey by Cerulli Associates. However, the survey also found financial wellness programs have grown to become a key component of […]