A bill that would give super-priority to defined benefit pension plan members during plan windups and insolvencies is likely to be passed by the senate because the pension sector hasn’t provided viable alternatives, says Mike Powell, president of the Canadian Federation of Pensioners. On Feb. 8, 2023, Powell delivered a presentation in support of Bill […]
Canada requires clear, consistent guidance on the integration and reporting of sustainability factors into investment decisions, according to a new report from the United Nations-based principles for responsible investment. “There are currently no consistent regulatory requirements for sustainability reporting that apply to all investors and issuers across Canada,” noted the report. “Without such a tool, […]
While it’s common practice for pension plan sponsors to factor climate risk into investment strategies, there’s more work to be done on factoring climate change into mortality and morbidity assumptions, says Bernard Morency, past chair of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries’ public affairs council and co-chair of its climate change and sustainability steering committee. “As […]
An article on how Canada compares to other countries in terms of its vacation day offering was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Canada ranks 39 out of 43 countries for vacation day offering: report 2. Coke Canada expanding coverage for mental-health, family-building […]
As the University Pension Plan increases its focus on climate change, its responsible investment policy considers environmental, social and governance factors as essential to sound long-term investing. “We’ve seen a lot of evidence from a variety of service providers — from investment banks to investment managers — that have demonstrated [the climate] is getting warmer […]
A bill currently under consideration by Canada’s senate could hasten the closure of open defined benefit plans, according to Gavin Benjamin, a partner in LifeWorks Inc.’s pension and benefits solutions business. “In our view, this is a potential outcome, particularly with respect to companies for whom the ability to borrow is affected by the bill,” […]
In January, the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities established a new committee with a mandate to develop a risk management guidance. In the CAPSA’s view, by having an adequate system for managing risks, “plan administrators are better positioned to keep pension assets safe and protect the plan from adverse risks.” Coinciding with this initiative, […]
An article on Thomson Reuters’ new vacation policy was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Thomson Reuters supporting employee well-being with new vacation policy 2. Expert panel: What does it mean for pension plan members to live separate and apart? 3. 42% of Canadian […]
While pension plan administrators know about their plan members’ employment history and salaries, they may not expect to learn much about their personal lives, including how often they text their spouse or whether they have family dinners every night. However, in most jurisdictions, the spouse of a defined benefit plan member is entitled to a joint […]
An article on the FIRE — financial independence and retiring early — concept was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Is the concept of financial independence and early retirement truly feasible? 2. Expert panel: Can pension administrators deny benefits to plan members who don’t […]