In August, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported that the U.K. Department for Works and Pensions cut off state pension payments to several expatriate pensioners living in Canada due to their failure to complete and return forms to prove they were still alive. However, the report also found many of these retirees never received the forms […]
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario has released its final pension deregistration guidance, which identifies the documents, information and timeframes that are required under exemptions from the Pension Benefits Act to avoid a plan’s deregistration under the Income Tax Act. Maintaining ITA registration will permit the pension plan and its members to continue to […]
An article on the Canadian Federation of Pensioners’ response to proposed legislative and policy updates for Alberta’s private sector pension regulations was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. CFP urging Alberta government to reconsider transfer of pension risk to plan members 2. Walmart […]
When Saskatchewan’s Public Employees Pension Plan’s board introduced alternatives to its investment lineup in 2020 with an aim to improve the defined contribution plan’s risk-adjusted returns through diversification, it wasn’t its first time at the rodeo. The move came after 15 years of experience and comfort with alternatives through the PEPP’s defined benefit companion plan, […]
Alain Malaket has a nuanced perspective on risk — one informed by his experiences as a third-party administrator, pension regulator, consultant, pension plan director and motorcyclist. Today, InBenefits’ chief executive officer’s perspective informs his interest in alternative pension models. Put simply, he believes people don’t make the best decisions about safeguarding their futures. It’s a […]
A new report from the C.D. Howe Institute says pension plan fiduciaries shouldn’t ignore climate change and other environmental, social, and governance factors that are relevant to financial purposes. However, when plan fiduciaries use ESG factors to prioritize social or environmental concerns, such as those expressed by plan members, they put themselves on shaky legal […]
An article on the strike by Ontario education workers was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. CUPE’s Ontario education workers striking for extended benefits, wage increases 2. Stellantis, Unifor agreement includes pension and retirement gains 3. Sounding Board: How employers can better support employees […]
The Canadian Institute of Actuaries is advising the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities to strengthen its proposed guideline on risks related to environmental, social and governance factors, including consideration for pension plan liabilities and climate-related disclosure. In an open letter to the CAPSA, the CIA suggested including a section on how ESG factors should […]
The Association of Canadian Pension Management is advising the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities to take a less prescriptive approach in its proposed guidelines on risks related to environmental, social and governance factors, cybersecurity and leverage. In an open letter to the CAPSA, the ACPM said a one-size-fits-all approach to ESG regulation could potentially […]
Increasingly, defined contribution plan sponsors are grappling with adding environmental, social and governance investing options to their plans as a growing number of members ask for them, but the legal landscape for ESG investing is complicated, according to Kathy Bush, partner at Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP, during Benefits Canada’s 2022 DC Investment Forum in late […]