Keyword: pension plan design

19 results found

Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives aren’t a new concept for employers — just ask any human resources professional. However, in a changing world marked by growing calls for social justice, many plan sponsors are extending these initiatives beyond workplace conduct and employee benefits into retirement planning, merging diversity with their pension plans’ designs and communications […]

Pension coverage in the public sector is high, with the vast majority of public sector employees covered by a defined benefit pension plan. However, the story is very different in the private sector as pension coverage is much lower and is trending downwards. Only 22 per cent of private sector employees participated in a registered […]


Earlier this year, I received an email from a Canadian National Railway Co. employee who had recently learned their defined benefit pension plan was winding up and they’d be moved into a defined contribution plan. According to the plan member — who will remain anonymous — CN closed the DB plan to new hires more […]

In 2021, Foresters Financial redesigned its retirement and benefits plans to be more flexible, relevant and competitive, modernizing the plans with the recognition that employees have varying financial priorities. “Overall, we have a very diverse employee base,” says Ken Adams, the financial services company’s vice-president of total rewards. “Someone who is a few years out […]

The economic impact of the pandemic has been unevenly distributed across various industries, with travel and transportation among the hardest-hit sectors. However, while travel restrictions and subsequent employee layoffs in these industries made headlines throughout 2020 and 2021, the pension plans provided by these employers have largely weathered any economic fallout. The impact on air […]

In 2020, LifeLabs Inc. embarked on a year-long journey to redesign its group registered retirement savings plan and deferred profit-sharing plan to make them less cumbersome, easier to administer and to boost engagement among employees. Under the original plans, which were in place for more than 10 years and linked to employees’ years of service, […]

The average 45-year-old Canadian employee earning $60,000 per year will need to accumulate $1.4 million in retirement savings by age 65 if they want to retire comfortably, according to a new report by Aon. It found since 2019, the average employee requires an additional $100,000 in private retirement savings, partly due to a one per […]


Representatives from a few of Canada’s most progressive pension plans weighed in on topics ranging from plan design to the various challenges posed by legislation and governance during a webinar hosted by the Association of Canadian Pension Management last week. Orla Cousineau, executive director of pensions at the University of British Columbia, said the province’s […]

  • By: Blake Wolfe
  • February 28, 2022 February 28, 2022
  • 09:00

The Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Pension Plan is expanding the definition of who can qualify to receive benefits as disabled or as a dependant child under its plan. Effective Dec. 1, 2021, the CAAT’s DBprime plan design was amended to remove the requirement that a member must be receiving benefits from an employer’s long-term […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 7, 2022 February 7, 2022
  • 09:00