pension reform Page 12

Keyword: pension reform

738 results found
Are pension plans considering filing early valuations to lock in pre-coronavirus funded ratios?

With coronavirus causing market volatility and an increase in the size of solvency liabilities, defined benefit pension plans are feeling the impact. One potential way for plan sponsors to ease the pain is by performing an early actuarial valuation to capture year-end 2019 numbers. While most Canadian jurisdictions require plans to file valuations every three years, […]

Pension industry urging feds for relief from coronavirus fallout

The Association of Canadian Pension Management and the Pension Investment Association of Canada have sent the federal government their wish lists for actions to help federally regulated pension plans deal with the fallout of the coronavirus, with a focus on measures to help with cash flow, liquidity and a call for broader solvency reform. As […]

OSFI temporarily freezes portability transfers, annuity purchases due to coronavirus

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions is introducing some measures to help federally regulated private defined benefit pension plans get through the difficult times caused by the coronavirus. Particularly, the regulator is temporarily freezing portability transfers and annuity purchases. In both cases, plan sponsors can write to the OSFI to for consent to […]

With many people around the world facing layoffs due to business shutdowns caused by the coronavirus, financial stress is pervasive. In Australia, the government is allowing individuals affected by coronavirus to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation savings tax-free in both 2019-20 and 2020-21, subject to restrictions, including that they must be unemployed or […]

Sounding Board: Governments must ease burden on pension plans in era of coronavirus

Canadians, like many around the world, have watched from the sidelines as interest rates have plummeted and the markets have dropped significantly over the past couple of weeks, with a devastating toll on both personal retirement savings and employer-sponsored pension and other retirement savings plans. Existing industry concerns about the adequacy of retirement savings in […]

A look at how five DC plan members are approaching decumulation

Sometimes, the best way to explore the unknown is by following in the footsteps of someone who’s been there first. When it comes to in-plan decumulation options from a defined contribution pension, whether the plan was grandfathered into existing legislation or is registered in a province that allows the option, many employers — and their […]

Bob Baldwin appointed chair of C.D. Howe pension policy council

The C.D. Howe Institute has appointed Bob Baldwin as chair of its pension policy council.  With more than 30 years of experience, Baldwin is an Ottawa-based expert in retirement income. Between 1976 and 2005, he worked for the Canadian Labour Congress, with a decade spent as director of social and economic policy. Currently, he’s also a […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 20, 2020 November 11, 2020
  • 08:45
PIAC calls on Manitoba to enable target-benefit plans

While the Pension Investment Association of Canada is applauding proposed changes to Manitoba’s Pension Benefits Act that would allow for in-plan solvency reserve accounts for defined benefit pension plans, it’s calling on the province to make further reforms. In a letter to Manitoba’s Finance Minister Scott Fielding, the PIAC said the suggested amendments, which were introduced in November […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 18, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 15:30
An update on MEPPS, JSPPs and PRPPs

Squeezed by onerous funding requirements and overarching fiduciary duties, defined benefit plan sponsors are increasingly willing to embrace alternative structures — such as multi-employer pension plans, jointly sponsored pension plans and pooled registered pension plans — to relieve some of the pressure. “Most employers simply shouldn’t be in the business of running a pension plan, […]

Are elements of U.S. pension reform worthy of Canadian consideration?

The first major reform to the U.S. retirement system in a decade, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, contains provisions that could be useful guides for Canadian legislators and regulators. Signed into law by President Donald Trump in December, the act, known as SECURE, is primarily aimed at addressing Americans’ difficulty in […]