pension reform Page 15

Keyword: pension reform

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The Manitoba government has proposed changes to the provincial Pension Benefits Act that will allow the creation of in-plan solvency reserve accounts for defined benefit pension plans registered in the province. The amendments would permit plan sponsors to withdraw funds from the reserve account when the plan is in surplus and would prohibit them from […]

While the case for creating an Alberta Pension Plan looks straightforward on the surface, it’s far from a slam dunk, according to a memo published by the C.D. Howe Institute. In the memo responding to Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s plan to consult on whether the province should withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan and start […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 4, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:00
ACPM urging feds to modernize Canadian tax rules for pensions

In a new white paper, the Association of Canadian Pension Management is urging the federal government to reform the Income Tax Act rules for registered pension plans.  In the ACPM’s view, ITA reforms are required to build on government initiatives aimed at increasing retirement savings by updating the tax rules released in 1992 so they better reflect today’s socioeconomic environment and Canadians’ […]

Sounding Board: It’s time to take a simpler approach to communicating CAP investments

In the 1970s and early 1980s, defined benefit plan members clamoured for the portability provided by converting their plans to defined contribution arrangements. But that enthusiasm has waned over the years, with the majority of capital accumulation plan members simply not up for the challenge of managing their own investments.  For plan sponsors, concerns also include […]

  • December 2, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:15
What could negative yields mean for Canadian pension plans’ funding statuses?

Globally, negative yielding bonds are alarming investors. And while Canadian government bonds haven’t gone negative, movement in other countries is demonstrating to institutional investors that anything is possible. So if bond yields do go negative, what could this mean for Canadian pension plans’ funding statuses? Canadian defined benefit plans can be valued in three different ways, all […]

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • November 22, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:05

I think it’s fair to say that retirement security is top of mind for the majority of Canadians. And politicians are listening: it was constructive to see all the major parties coming up with measures to deal with the issue during the most recent election campaign. In my last editorial, I summarized the various election […]

What’s next for Canada’s retirement income system?

In the coming decade, the median retirement age could increase from 65 to 68, though the exact timing and extent of this rise can’t be predicted with complete confidence. However, Canadians are staying in the workforce longer, so if Canada continues to pay pension benefits at age 65, it’s certain that a significant and growing […]

New University Pension Plan selects inaugural chair of board

The University Pension Plan is appointing Gale Rubenstein as the inaugural chair of its board of trustees. The UPP will be the province’s first jointly sponsored defined benefit plan for Ontario’s university sector on its official registration date of Jan. 1, 2020. The plan will involve sponsorship from the University of Toronto, University of Guelph […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 20, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 15:30
Alberta pension plan split not about efficiency, says former CEO of AIMCo

The former chief executive officer of the organization that would administer a separate Alberta pension plan says the proposed switch from the Canada Pension Plan doesn’t make much sense from an efficiency point of view. Leo de Bever, who retired from the Alberta Investment Management Corp. in 2015, says the threatened move by the Alberta government […]

Alberta launches panel to examine involvement in CPP, national pharmacare

Over the weekend, the Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said the provincial government intends to examine the ramifications of disentangling Alberta from multiple federal cost-sharing programs. At a conference in Red Deer, Alta. on Saturday, he announced the formation of a panel that will consult on subjects such as whether the province should start its own pension system and […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 12, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:30