Getting a sense of what industry peers are doing and what they think of the plan’s work was an important reason why the College of Applied Arts and Technology pension plan entered Benefits Canada‘s 2018 Workplace Benefits Awards, according Derek Dobson, its president and plan manager. “It’s always good to get industry and peer feedback,” he says. “Every […]
The federal government’s proposals around advanced life deferred annuities and variable payment life annuities represent significant enhancements in decumulation options for Canadian capital accumulation plan members, according to a letter from the Pension Investment Association of Canada. In the association’s feedback to the government, it encouraged the facilitation of the broadest potential access for Canadian savers in […]
While there isn’t reliable data on just how many people are disconnected from their old pension plans, the federal government says the number could be rising with people switching jobs more often, qualifying for plans faster, retiring abroad more often and not updating their mailing address because of increased reliance on online accounts. Administrators not […]
While the Pension Investment Association of Canada is praising Ontario’s 2019 budget proposals, it’s also questioning how the provincial government is planning to implement them. In a letter to provincial Finance Minister Vic Fedeli, the association noted further clarification is needed around the introduction of variable benefits. “While we are pleased that 50 per cent unlocking will be available […]
The Nova Scotia government is moving forward with changes to its regulatory framework for defined benefit pension plans. The province’s new framework follows a review launched in September 2017 and a summary of feedback released in April 2018. It’s still seeking input on technical issues, identified in the paper, in order to determine the best road forward […]
The House overwhelmingly approved a bill Thursday to promote retirement security by making it easier for small businesses and other companies to offer retirement plans. The bipartisan bill, approved 417-3, also makes it easier for workers to transfer retirement plans when they change jobs and allows part-time workers to save for retirement. The measures also […]
The Canadian pension industry must go beyond the defined benefit versus defined contribution debate and focus on the model of the future, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe Institute. The report, by actuaries and pension experts Robert Brown and Stephen A. Eadie, proposes a common ground as a starting point for all […]
It may not happen this year, or next year, or even the year after that. But sometime between now and 2025, Canadian employers will almost certainly need to re-think their retirement policies in response to Canada Pension Plan expenses that began to go up in January. Canadian pension experts say higher mandatory contributions to the CPP and the […]
The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities has outlined its priorities for April 2019 to March 2022 in its new strategic plan, which included initiatives like focusing on defined contribution plan decumulation and cyber security. Jason Vary, president at Actuarial Solutions Inc., notes while all the identified priorities were worthwhile, some are more important than […]
A recent report highlighting that Albertans are currently paying more into the Canada Pension Plan than the province’s retirees are taking out demonstrated an example of a fundamental reality of defined benefit pension plans: not everyone gets the same thing. Within DB plans, if you subdivide cohorts of a member population, you will often find some groups subsidizing […]