Keyword: pension risk

22 results found

Predictions of the demise of defined benefit pension plans are premature. The reality is DB is still alive and well in the public sector, with a growing number of multi-employer plans making the promise of financial certainty in retirement provided by DB pensions available to private sector employers of all sizes. What’s under threat is […]

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An increase in the protection limit for defined benefit pension plan members’ assets invested in annuities is making it easier for plan sponsors to de-risk, says Mary Kate Archibald, a principal at Eckler Ltd. Assuris, the not-for-profit organization that protects a portion of retirement benefits from annuities in the event of an insurer’s insolvency, now covers up to $5,000 […]


In 2022, the typical defined benefit pension plan achieved an investment return of roughly negative 12 per cent. However, due to dramatic increases in bond yields and a subsequent decrease in pension liabilities, many pension plans ended 2022 with the same — or better — solvency funded level that they had at the beginning of […]

The answer is complicated because environmental, social and governance investing is a relatively new risk, not all ESG factors are material for every industry and the return profile ultimately depends on whether a policy successfully incorporates material factors into investment decisions. Chris Reynolds, manager of pension policy at Canada Post Corp. ESG investing, often referred […]

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Private sector pension plans could realize higher rates of return and produce lifetime income if they followed a model similar to their public sector counterparts, said Keith Ambachtsheer, executive in residence at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management and a senior fellow at the National Institute on Ageing at Toronto Metropolitan University, during a […]

The aggregate funded ratio for Canadian defined benefit pension plans increased from 96.9 per cent to 100.8 per cent during 2022, according to Aon’s latest pension risk tracker. The tracker, which calculates the aggregate funded position on an accounting basis for companies in the S&P/TSX composite index with DB plans, also found pension assets lost […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 5, 2023 January 4, 2023
  • 09:00
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Similar to 2022, the coming year will present both challenges and opportunities for defined benefit pension plan sponsors, with the rewards going to plan sponsors that are resilient, embrace change and are willing and able to act when opportunities arise. Several trends that will be top of mind in the year ahead are: Inflation The […]

Amid the lingering coronavirus pandemic, vaccination policies and paid sick leave were top of mind among Benefits Canada’s readers in 2022. However, stories about new employee benefits and compensation planning, as well as pension and retirement matters, also caught readers’ eyes. Here are Benefits Canada’s 10 most popular stories of the year: 1. Feds consider definition of ‘fully […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 23, 2022 December 22, 2022
  • 09:00

In January, the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities established a new committee with a mandate to develop a risk management guidance. In the CAPSA’s view, by having an adequate system for managing risks, “plan administrators are better positioned to keep pension assets safe and protect the plan from adverse risks.” Coinciding with this initiative, […]


The Association of Canadian Pension Management is providing feedback on the Accounting Standards Board’s proposed amendments to the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada’s handbook, including changes to sections covering defined benefit pension plan obligations and amalgamations. In an open letter responding to the board’s proposal, Ric Marrero, chief executive officer of the ACPM, said when […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 16, 2022 June 15, 2022
  • 09:00