Keyword: pension solvency funding

60 results found

From an economic perspective, the last year has been quite tumultuous. As central banks began raising rates to tame inflation, the loose monetary environment with policy rates held at historic lows evolved to a rapidly tightening one. In October 2021, the overnight rate was 0.25 per cent and the 10-year Canadian bond yield was 1.6 […]

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The projected solvency ratio of Ontario’s defined benefit pension plans declined in the second quarter of 2022, according to a new report by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario. In its quarterly report, the FSRA found the median projected solvency ratio reached 110 per cent on June 30, 2022, down two per cent from […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 18, 2022 August 17, 2022
  • 09:00
How commuted-value calculation changes will impact lump-sum DB pension payments

The value of a typical Canadian defined benefit pension plan’s assets declined in June, according to LifeWorks Inc.’s latest monthly report. An investment portfolio designed to mimic typical Canadian DB portfolios saw its assets decline by 5.4 per cent over the month. The benchmark portfolio is composed of 50 per cent equities and 50 per […]

Copyright_ Audtakorn Sutarmjam_123RF

Reassuring frustrated blue-collar voters, U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday visited Ohio iron workers to highlight federal action to shore up troubled pension funding for millions now on the job or retired — and to make his political case that he’s been a champion for workers in the White House. Biden’s speech at a Cleveland […]


The Nova Scotia Public Service Superannuation Plan generated net returns of 5.56 per cent during its latest fiscal year, which ended on March 31, 2022. According to its annual report, the PSSP, a defined benefit pension plan for 41,000 current and former public sector employees in Nova Scotia, saw the value of its assets rise […]

The average Canadian defined benefit pension plan saw improvements in its solvency position in May, according to LifeWorks Inc.’s latest monthly report. An investment portfolio designed to mimic that of a typical pension saw its assets decline by 0.4 per cent over the month. Despite this, the solvency index, which provides an indication of changes […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 14, 2022 June 14, 2022
  • 12:30

The importance of risk management isn’t new for the majority of defined benefit pension plan sponsors and administrators. The impact of long-term interest rates, market volatility, changing demographics and increasing longevity, inflation concerns, geopolitical events and other large economic, environmental and social factors are all contributing to the need to manage the financial risks associated […]

The economic impact of the pandemic has been unevenly distributed across various industries, with travel and transportation among the hardest-hit sectors. However, while travel restrictions and subsequent employee layoffs in these industries made headlines throughout 2020 and 2021, the pension plans provided by these employers have largely weathered any economic fallout. The impact on air […]

The average Ontario defined benefit pension plan is in the best funded position since December 2009, according to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario’s latest quarterly solvency report. It found 81 per cent DB plans had a solvency ratio greater than 100 per cent at the end of 2021, compared to 67 per cent […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 17, 2022 February 17, 2022
  • 12:00

Manitoba is amending its pension regulatory system in order to strengthen the province’s pension regulatory and solvency framework. The changes, which took effect on Dec. 20, 2021, establish new rules for the funding of private sector defined benefit pension plans, including reducing the solvency deficiency threshold at which special payments must be made from 100 […]