Pharmacare and flexible annuity options top the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association’s list of recommendations for the upcoming 2019 federal budget. In its submission, the association stated it’s supportive of the work being done through the federal government’s advisory council on the implementation of pharmacare, introduced in last year’s budget. However, it also said it’s important to […]
The job of a pension consultant has evolved considerably over Bita Jenab’s 30-year career in the field. The mid-1990s saw a greater focus on governance and the arrival of the investment consultant, while the 2000s featured a mass move to defined contribution plans and significant changes to pension legislation. Through all of that, plan sponsors […]
While the federal government’s proposed amendments to Canada’s patented medicines regulations are aimed at reducing the cost of prescription drugs, they risk limiting patient access to new, innovative medications, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute. “Establishing drug prices has always been a balance between affordability and accessibility, but by markedly shifting the scales towards lower prices, […]
In a meeting in Saint Andrews, N.B., on Friday, provincial and territorial premiers met to discuss ways to improve health care for Canadians, including the implementation of a national pharmacare program. Linda Silas, president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, was also in the meeting and said she is encouraged that there is support […]
With an eye toward dismantling the barriers many Canadians face in accessing prescription drugs, the federal government is launching an online consultation process on national pharmacare. The government’s advisory council, introduced in the 2018 budget, is accepting views through an online questionnaire and written submissions. As well, the online platform will include a discussion forum. “Hearing directly from Canadians […]
While a national pharmacare program is likely to come with a tax hike, will that cost be balanced out by savings on prescription drugs and private drug spending? In a presentation to be delivered Friday to provincial and territorial premiers, former parliamentary budget officer Kevin Page is expected to be straightforward about the costs of a cross-country, publicly […]
Former federal budget watchdog Kevin Page will deliver a blunt message to premiers this week about the costs of a future national pharmacare program: if Canadians want one, taxes will have to go up. Page, who now heads a University of Ottawa think tank, will walk through the numbers Friday when he gives a presentation […]
Ontario’s new Conservative government has announced changes to the province’s youth pharmacare program to make it second payer for Ontarians under age 25 who have coverage through private benefits plans. “Today, our government is announcing our intent to fix the OHIP+ program by focusing benefits on those who do not have existing prescription drug benefits,” […]
The federal government has announced the appointment of the remaining members of its advisory council on the implementation of national pharmacare. Besides former Ontario health minister Dr. Eric Hoskins, who’s the chair of the advisory council, the members are: Mia Homsy, director general of the Institut du Québec, who will serve as vice-chair of the […]
Advocates for national pharmacare have misdiagnosed the nature of gaps in prescription drug plan coverage in Canada and have proposed the wrong solution, according to a new study by think-tank the Canadian Health Policy Institute. Based on Canada’s 2016 population of almost 36.3 million people, the study found close to 23.2 million had coverage through a private drug plan. The […]