The Parliamentary Budget Office is confirming the insurance industry’s projection that a single-payer model of national pharmacare program will cost $40 billion annually as a result of shifting more than $14 billion in private insurance coverage onto the government’s books. In a new report, the PBO estimated the cost of a single-payer universal drug plan to […]
While gender affirmation and fertility benefits coverage still isn’t included in all group benefits plans, around half of Canada’s group benefits providers include gender affirmation coverage (50 per cent) or fertility benefits coverage (59 per cent) in some of their plan offers, according to an exclusive survey by Benefits Canada. The survey, which polled Canada’s […]
The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan has added a lead pharmacy consultant to its group life and disability claims team to assist in managing both early intervention and ongoing disability claims. The role, which was introduced in June 2021, creates a collaborative relationship between the pharmacist and the disability management team, providing further support for plan […]
As the coronavirus pandemic enters its fourth year, it’s perhaps unsurprising that the health crisis has taken its toll on employee mental health. Scotiabank saw a notable rise in claims for mental-health drugs in 2022, says Ayman Alvi, the bank’s vice-president of global pension and benefits, noting the increased use of these medications aligns with […]
The federal government is aiming to launch the first phase of its national dental-care program on Dec. 1. The program, which will provide dental care for uninsured households earning less than $90,000 annually, will initially provide coverage of up to $650 per year for children aged 12 and younger, according to a press release. The […]
There’s no question that Canadians value their private health benefits, even with pharmacare discussions back on the table. In a recent Abacus Data study, 78 per cent of respondents said they feel group benefits plans increase the availability and affordability of health services in Canada, as opposed to undermining universal health coverage. Furthermore, 92 per […]
A ruling by the Supreme Court of British Columbia on the B.C. Credit Union Employers’ Pension Plan’s normal retirement date was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. B.C. court upholds pension plan’s decision to increase retirement age 2. Ontario NDP platform includes dental […]
In its 2022 budget on Thursday, the Ontario government said it’s implementing a permanent target-benefit pension plan framework in 2023. The budget noted specified Ontario multi-employer pension plans, which provide these types of benefits, have been operating under temporary regulations that will expire in 2024 unless replaced by a permanent framework. “A permanent target-benefit framework […]
Ontario’s New Democratic Party’s election platform includes universal dental care, mental-health care and pharmacare. Following the agreement reached between the federal Liberals and NDP in late March, the provincial NDP will lead the way on the program, working with the federal government to “strengthen and accelerate the expansion of dental care,” according to the platform that […]
An announcement regarding long-awaited amendments to the Patented Medicines Review Board regulations was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. PMPRB drug pricing regulations officially coming into effect this July 2. Key stakeholders highlighting value of private payer health care amid plans for […]