Keyword: portfolio construction

50 results found
Canadians invest conservatively

Canadians are playing it safe when it comes to investing.

  • By: Staff
  • September 24, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 11:04
Bond allocations: Adjusting to changing rates

The past few years have been difficult for DB pension plans in Canada. Continued equity market volatility and, until recently, extremely low interest rates have made financial management of DB plans extremely challenging, especially for those subject to solvency valuations.

  • September 23, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 10:20
GPIF may raise stock allocation: Report

Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund is considering changing its portfolio strategy to allow it to buy more domestic equities, according to Reuters.

  • By: Staff
  • May 31, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 08:59

Manager performance is often monitored by committees over a quarterly or monthly basis, and while investment oversight is a necessary and prudent function of fiduciaries, it can also be dangerous.

Five portfolio stress tests for 2013

As the year begins, it is instructive for pension fund managers and asset allocators to consider various macro risk scenarios that are not base-case predictions but rather relevant considerations for stress testing portfolios. It can be useful to understand how individual asset classes would react under each scenario and the resulting portfolio performance. As part of this exercise, consider the impact on liabilities and whether the risk scenario would induce pension managers to consider a change to asset allocation to suit the new environment.

Have you stress-tested your portfolio lately?

We are in the midst of historic times, as sovereigns hang on the edge of default, the inflation/deflation debate remains unresolved and gold trades at a historic high. As a manager or director of a pension fund, this is a critical juncture to understand what can go wrong for your fund in particular scenarios. To […]

Alternatives becoming the new core

Originally from our sister publication, Alternative investments will increasingly become part of institutional and high net worth (HNW) portfolios. In fact, they are likely to blend right in to the traditional portfolio, supplanting traditional notions of what the portfolio core should look like. “Alternatives, at least for the next few years, are increasingly going […]

Optimal asset mix: Does one size fit all?

Risk is a central concept in investing, particularly for retirement solutions in DC pension plans. However, the analysis of risk is potentially complicated, as the tolerance levels of individual plan members can vary considerably. Most, if not all, individual plan members share the basic factors influencing risk tolerance. Virtually all members want to accumulate a […]

Constructing your portfolio

It’s certainly no secret that during the last decade, the trend within the Canadian pension landscape has been for plan sponsors to move away from traditional DB plans and toward DC plans. This need was primarily driven by the desire to do away with plan risks around longevity, interest rates and investments that were becoming […]

Navigating emerging and frontier markets

Pension funds can’t afford not to have a view on emerging markets, according to Paul Kapsos, portfolio manager, emerging markets, with the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Speaking at the Pension & Benefits Summit on April 28 in Toronto, Kapsos added that the long-term risk/return trade-off has been positive to emerging market equities. But which of […]