Pension plans play an important economic role by distributing billions of dollars annually to retirees, who then spend this money in the economy while enjoying a certain level of financial comfort. Businesses providing goods and services, in turn, purchase products and services from various suppliers, who do the same with their own suppliers, and so […]
In 2022, U.S. retiree spending — driven by private and public sector defined benefit pension payouts — generated US$1.5 trillion in total economic output and supported 7.1 million jobs, according to a new report by the National Institute on Retirement Security. It found in addition to the impact on employment and economic activity, DB pension […]
According to Statistics Canada, 80 per cent of Canadian public sector workers benefit from a respectable, life-long pension. However, for many private sector employees the quality of the pension plan available to them leaves much to be desired. The typical private sector pension is a defined contribution plan, which means employees bear the risk of […]
The value of Canadian trusteed pension funds’ assets rose by $40.9 billion — roughly two per cent — in the first quarter of 2023 to $2.2 trillion, according to a new report by Statistics Canada. Within trusteed plans, public sector assets grew five per cent to $1.7 trillion, while private sector assets increased to $451 billion. Total revenue decreased […]
In the Expert Commission on Pensions’ 2008 review of Ontario’s pension system, it recommended an agency or unit of the provincial government serve as a pension champion. According to the commission, the pension champion’s responsibilities would include working closely with stakeholders, promoting and facilitating innovation in the pension system and leading policy development efforts in […]
An article on the Canadian Federation of Pensioners’ response to proposed legislative and policy updates for Alberta’s private sector pension regulations was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. CFP urging Alberta government to reconsider transfer of pension risk to plan members 2. Walmart […]
The Association of Canadian Pension Management is taking aim at the Alberta government’s funding rules for private sector defined benefit pension plans. In its response to consultation draft of potential legislative and policy updates for private sector pension laws, the ACPM wrote that the province’s existing funding requirements fail to appropriately balance benefit security with […]
The Alberta government is gathering feedback from stakeholders to help inform potential legislative and policy updates for private sector pension laws. The consultation will focus on the Employment Pension Plans Act and the Employment Pension Plans Regulation, according to a press release, which noted Alberta’s private sector pension legislation hasn’t been significantly updated since 2014. […]
More than 125,000 Canadians became active members in a registered pension plan in 2019, according to a new report by Statistics Canada. It found the number of active members was up two per cent from 2018 to just over 6.5 million. Women accounted for more than three-quarters of the increase in new memberships — up 97,500 from 2018 to 3.3 million — while about 28,000 more men joined […]