The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is warning corporate board directors that any companies failing to consider climate risks, adopting multiple-year term lengths or lacking in female representation won’t receive its support during shareholder votes, according to a new report. “How we select investments and hold management accountable to manage these factors can enhance or erode […]
The Investment Management Corp. of Ontario is publishing its inaugural environmental, social and governance report, which includes an outline of its four-pronged ESG integration strategy. “We have long understood that companies with good governance practices and diverse teams make better decisions that lead to superior performance,” wrote Brian Gibson, board chair of the IMCO, in […]
The Shareholder Association for Research and Education is setting out new guidance for institutional investors on corporate votes regarding sustainability reporting. In its model proxy voting guidelines, the Shareholder Association for Research and Education provides Canadian institutional investors with a set of generic proxy voting rules designed to be easily tailored for individual organizations. “[The […]
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is expanding the number of countries in which it will apply its most stringent board gender diversity proxy voting rules. “We have enhanced our gender diversity voting practice by expanding the countries where our 30 per threshold for female representation applies to include South Africa and New Zealand,” said […]
To push for greater female representation on a corporate board, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan withheld its support for the re-election of a female board director during a shareholder vote. During the annual general meeting of network management software developer Netscout Systems Inc., the pension fund’s proxy refrained from voting on a measure to re-elect […]
The British Columbia Investment Management Corp. is once again voting against nine proposals supported by the board of China Gas Holdings Ltd., including the re-election of five corporate directors. During its recent annual general meeting, the Hong Kong-based energy company’s management team had requested that investors vote in favour of the re-election of board members […]
The Canadian Investment Review’s Sustainable Investing Award will be presented to a pension plan that has shown leadership and/or significant progress when it comes to incorporating sustainability into the investment process. This will consider sound practices related to environmental, social and governance matters across asset classes and can include considerations related to people management within […]
The interest in environmental, social and governance investing has risen exponentially over the past 20 years, but ESG investing is still in its early stages, said Peter Lindley, president and chief executive officer of the OPSEU Pension Trust, when speaking at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2020 Global Investment Conference in September. “As a long-term investor, […]
The Pension Investment Association of Canada is taking issue with some of the recommendations drafted by Ontario’s capital markets modernization task force, specifically those related to proxy advisory firms. In a recent letter to Walied Soliman, the chair of the task force, the PIAC disagreed with a proposal to introduce a regulatory framework for proxy advisory firms. […]
The Pension Investment Association of Canada took issue with some of the recommendations drafted by Ontario’s capital markets modernization task force, specifically those related to proxy advisory firms. The task force published a series of proposals for consultation earlier this year, inviting feedback from the public. In a recent response letter to Walied Soliman, the […]