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The New York City Employees’ Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System and Board of Education Retirement System signed an agreement with the Royal Bank of Canada to publicly disclose its financing ratio of low-carbon energy to fossil fuels. The investment organizations are mandating RBC, as well as Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., to adhere […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 10, 2024 April 10, 2024
  • 15:00

Two New York City pension funds are pushing the Royal Bank of Canada to disclose more details on its clean energy funding. The shareholder resolution filed by the New York City Employees’ Retirement System and Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York asks that the bank fully report a ratio of how its clean […]

BCI and partners’ real estate fund completes $805 million closing, PSP invests in insurance-linked strategy

A real estate fund created by the British Columbia Investment Management Corp., QuadReal Property Group and RBC Global Asset Management Inc. is receiving $805 million in equity commitments from Canadian institutional and individual investors. The second round, which closed on Oct. 30, 2020, exceeded subscription targets and comes on the heels of the initial closing […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 5, 2020 January 19, 2021
  • 09:10

The Bank of Canada’s latest review of business and consumer expectations has revealed how widespread uncertainty is muting rehiring and purchasing plans, published days before a federal update gives the Liberals’ outlook for the economy. The central bank’s business outlook survey suggested about half of firms foresee a rebound in their sales within the next […]

A new economic report says the next decade in Canada will increasingly be shaped by the twin forces of climate change and demographic disruption from an aging population. “By 2030, Canada’s economy could look significantly different,” says the RBC report released Monday, dubbed Navigating the 2020s. “A country whose economic identity has long been bound […]

Institutional investors turning to equities, global markets in 2021

Defined benefit pensions maintain positive growth at the start of 2017.

  • May 16, 2017 January 20, 2021
  • 11:25
Canadian Banks’ Bonds Outperform Global Peers

RBC and Scotia top the rest.