Part Two: How the SEC caused the flash crash.
A national body with significant input from the regions is likely to serve Canada better than the status quo.
From the CIR archives, Winter 2008.
Investment managers seeking to navigate three new European regulations will need to take a holistic approach in order to fully understand their effects on the landscape, according to a new white paper. Northern Trust’s Funds regulation: A brighter distribution future? outlines the ramifications of the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) IV Directive, […]
Alberta and Quebec have joined forces in a broadside against the formation of a national securities regulator. In a blistering 44-page missive, Fraser Milner & Casgrain lawyer Pierre Lortie assails the federal government’s rationale for the necessity of a national regulator and questions the idea that such a body would be preferable to the patchwork […]
AIMA responds to regulators.
Regulatory ashes threaten to cut off Europe.
Leaders make case that continent is open for business, not hopeless.
Reconstructing the historical Performance of merged e-commerce mutual funds.