remote working Page 14

Keyword: remote working

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Despite incidences of burnout dropping five percentage points over the past year, two-fifths (45 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re feeling burnt out at work, according to a new survey by Eagle Hill Consulting. The survey, which polled more than 1,000 respondents, found women and younger workers are reporting the highest levels of burnout. Indeed, […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 23, 2023 August 23, 2023
  • 15:00

An article on how artificial intelligence is impacting benefits communication was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. ChatGPT a game-changer for benefits communication, but risks remain with full automation: expert 2. How employers can alleviate labour challenges by supporting older workers who want to […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 18, 2023 August 17, 2023
  • 09:00

More than half (55 per cent) of Canadian employers have finalized their approach to balancing in-office and remote work, up from 49 per cent in the fourth quarter of last year, according to a new survey by Colliers Canada. The survey, which polled nearly 300 employer tenants of Colliers’ properties across the country, also found the majority (86 per cent) […]

Two-fifths (41 per cent) of Canadian employees say they’re either already looking or plan to look for a new job before the end of the year, according to a new survey by Robert Half Canada Inc. The survey, which polled more than 1,100 workers, found generation Z employees (64 per cent) were most likely to […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 11, 2023 August 11, 2023
  • 15:00

Zoom Video Communications Inc. is asking employees to return to the office. The software company that has become synonymous with remote working is requesting that workers who live within a 50-mile radius of a company office work onsite two days a week beginning this month, according to a report by the Associated Press.  Read: Google, […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 11, 2023 August 10, 2023
  • 09:00

As the 9-to-5 workday becomes more flexible, a chief executive officer discusses why she puts more emphasis on employee output and a human resources professor examines why focusing more on output could affect employee performance. Erin Bury, co-founder and chief executive officer at Willful Pre-pandemic, I don’t think any of us questioned the daily grind — […]

As the U.K.’s new flexible working bill receives royal assent, Edward Majewski, partner at Ogletree Deakins International LLP, says similar legislation would benefit employers and employees in Canada. The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023, which received royal assent last month, sets out the right of employees to request variations to particular terms and conditions of […]

Canadian employees across all generations value the flexibility and autonomy that remote working provides in their careers, according to a report by Robert Half Canada Inc. The report, which compiled data from three separate surveys with a total of more than 2,000 respondents, found a quarter (25 per cent) said they’d take a pay cut […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 21, 2023 July 20, 2023
  • 09:00

An article on how global pension funds compare in terms of transparency was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Five Canadian pension funds receive top scores for transparency: benchmark 2. How plan sponsors, insurers are considering coverage of weight-loss drugs amid rising use […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 21, 2023 July 21, 2023
  • 09:00

The majority (88 per cent) of Canadians employees say the coronavirus pandemic changed how they work in one or more ways, a percentage that increases among employees who work remotely (91 per cent) and those in a hybrid work arrangement (96 per cent), according to a survey conducted by RKI Inc. this spring. The results […]