Ontario civil servants are questioning the methodology used in a report that determined how much money Alberta could extract from the Canada Pension Plan if the province were to leave the CPP and launch its own plan, according to reporting by the Edmonton Journal. In a series of briefs, the Ontario Ministry of Finance outlined several inconsistencies […]
More than two-fifths (45 per cent) of U.S. defined contribution pension plan sponsors say they’re considering implementing emergency savings features, according to a survey from MFS Investment Management. The survey, which polled 1,000 DC plan members and more than 140 plan sponsors, found nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of plan sponsors said they’d take […]
An article on how the federal government should ensure its new Canadian Dental Care Plan doesn’t displace existing employer-sponsored dental coverage was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the past week: 1. Tax credit could ensure national dental-care plan doesn’t displace employer-sponsored coverage: expert […]
The Pension Investment Association of Canada will concentrate its legislative advocacy efforts on funding reform in 2024, including for an overhaul of long-term, minimum funding regulations for federally regulated defined benefit pension plans, said David Lawson, the PIAC’s new chair. In an emailed statement to Benefits Canada, he said as DB plan sponsors continue to face […]
The skyrocketing cost of living has created increased need for employees to receive additional financial well-being information to meet their retirement savings goals. It’s increasingly difficult for most Canadians to put aside any savings above their monthly expenses, thanks in large part to the squeeze from high inflation and the effects of increased interest rates […]
More than half (53 per cent) of Canadian retirees say they’re receiving, or will receive, less than $50,000 in annual retirement income from their employer-sponsored pension plan, according to a survey by the Ontario Securities Commission. It found just 19 per cent of retirees with employer-sponsored pension plans said they expect to receive between $50,000 […]
While it’s impossible to predict exactly how pension case law will evolve in future, one can offer an educated guess at some legislative developments and other issues that may confront pension plan sponsors and administrators in the coming year. Risk management Plan sponsors can expect a continued focus on risk management as a key part […]
3M will freeze its U.S. defined benefit pension plans for non-union U.S. employees, effective Dec. 31, 2028, and move plan members to a 401(k) plan structure. Eligible employees will continue to accrue benefits under the pension plans until the freeze date, according to a press release, which noted this decision applies to both 3M and 3M Health Care. Former […]
While there’s more work to be done before lifetime pension pools are widely implemented in North America, employers are increasingly aware of concepts such as variable payment life annuities, says Barbara Sanders, an associate professor at Simon Fraser University. “It seems that it’s being discussed fairly often. When in industry meetings, it’s certainly a very […]
Middle-income earners will start seeing a larger portion of their paycheques going toward their Canada Pension Plan contributions as of Jan. 1. A broader pension revamp began in 2019, as both the Quebec Pension Plan and CPP began phasing in enhanced benefits intended to provide more financial support for Canadians after they retire. So far, individual contributions — and the employer’s […]