When it comes to retirement benefits like the Canada Pension Plan and old-age security, the majority of Canadians don’t understand their options for deferral, according to a new survey by Employment and Social Development Canada. The survey, which polled 8,622 Canadians, found just 36 per cent are correctly aware of the deferral options for CPP […]
The coronavirus pandemic is dramatically affecting workplaces, employers and employees across Canada, according to a new survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. While a third of surveyed employers said they already offered telehealth or telemedicine before the pandemic, an additional 19 per cent said they added it during the crisis and another […]
Among Canadians with a retirement plan, 77 per cent said they’re confident they’ll have enough money to last the rest of their lives, compared to 52 per cent without one, according to a new survey by Franklin Templeton Canada. The survey, which was conducted in February, prior to the coronavirus pandemic, also found that among […]
The bargaining unit representing University of Ottawa support staff has voted down a so-called final offer from the university by 80 per cent. The unit, which is part of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, is objecting to proposed cuts to certain benefits in the offer, including cuts to the current retirement allowance and parental leave top-ups, as […]
The majority of U.S.-based defined contribution pension plan sponsors said they haven’t felt the need to pause or reduce contributions during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by the Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association. While 86 per cent of respondents said they aren’t considering suspending matching employer contributions, just eight per cent said they already have. […]
Nova Scotia’s Public Service Superannuation Plan reported a 98.5 per cent funded status as of Dec. 31, 2019 and said it will halt cost-of-living adjustments for retirees for the next five years. According to the plan’s 2020 funded health review, its funding policy prohibits indexing when the PSSP’s funded status is below 100 per cent. However, the Public Service Superannuation […]
During the coronavirus pandemic, employers and employees have seen major changes to their group retirement plans. For example, many employees who were able to continue working during the pandemic have seen employer contributions reduced or fully suspended. And some employees have seen this in addition to a pay cut or reduced hours. Of course, financial wellness has […]
More than a third (40 per cent) of pre-retirees have a negative outlook on their life in retirement, the highest rates of negative retirement perception among survey respondents since 2014, according to the latest annual survey by Fidelity Investments Canada. The same percentage said their salary or earnings have decreased due to the coronavirus pandemic. […]
More than 80 per cent of Canadians aged 25 to 64 are prepared for retirement and the vast majority have a high probability of being prepared, according to a new report by business school HEC Montréal’s Retirement and Savings Institute with funding from the Global Risk Institute. The report, which analyzed the results of a […]
Morneau Shepell Ltd. is appointing Glen Oikawa as a client relationship partner, retirement solutions partner and Calgary office leader. In the new role, he’ll focus on delivering innovation, thought leadership and dedicated service to several of the organization’s largest plan sponsor clients across Western Canada. With more than 20 years of experience in financial well-being, […]