From a research perspective, very little is actually known about the post-retirement phase for defined contribution plan members, according to one expert. A lot of past logic about this phase has been problematic, said Stephen Utkus, principal and director at the Vanguard Center for Investor Research, at the 2018 Defined Contribution Investment Forum in Toronto in September. The […]
Even though many plan sponsors are moving away from defined benefit plans, many organizations still have a paternalistic culture and want to help guide their employees towards a successful retirement, Nick Nefouse told delegates at the 2018 Defined Contribution Investment Forum in Toronto in September. Plan sponsors are asking for help with this goal, but […]
How the benefit shrinks with age and what that means for retirement security
Take the free money. This is my regular mantra for employees in employer-sponsored retirement plans. But many employees don’t enrol in company-sponsored plans or don’t take the maximum amount of free money available. When human resources professionals ask their employees why, their responses include: “I get a better return with my advisor, so I am contributing with her/him.” “The investment […]
Seven major pension stakeholders are urging the federal government to make longevity risk-pooling arrangements available to Canadians. The group includes the Association of Canadian Pension Management, the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, Common Wealth, the National Institute of Aging and the Pension Investment Association […]
The use of target-date funds is on the rise in Canada, with more members of capital accumulation plans being offered the investment option every year. Half of plan sponsors with defined contribution plans (50 per cent) and group registered retirement savings plans (51 per cent) allocated target-date funds as their default option in 2016, according […]
The majority (84 per cent) of organizations in Canada’s non-profit sector said inconsistent revenue or funding is the biggest barrier to offering a pension plan, according to a survey by Common Good Retirement Initiative. Three-quarters (73 per cent) of survey respondents said offering a plan would be too expensive, 59 per cent said it would be […]
More than two-thirds (69 per cent) of Canadians would choose a new job with a group savings plan instead of staying at a current job without one, according to a new survey by Nest Wealth Asset Management Inc. The survey also found money is the leading stressor (42 per cent) for Canadian workers, cited ahead of work (23 […]
Indigo Books & Music Inc. is the first national employer to pilot the Great-West Life Assurance Co.’s student debt savings program. Employees in the program will receive a matching contribution, up to a maximum, to their retirement savings account within Indigo’s group retirement plan for every payment they make to their Canadian or provincial government student loan. […]
The idea that health, drug and retirement benefits draw in top executive talent is overly simplistic and worth delving into deeper, according to Jonathan Foster, vice-president of executive compensation at Accompass Inc. The vast majority of organizations hiring executives offer a benefits plan, so having one is no longer a distinguishing factor for an employer, said Foster at […]