Keyword: return to workplace

135 results found

A look at a survey finding employees are prioritizing workplace benefits plans amid an increasingly competitive job market took the top spot as the most-read story over the past week on Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Canadian employees prioritizing benefits programs over pay: survey 2. Survey finds cost of […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 15, 2021 October 15, 2021
  • 09:00

During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the Ottawa Community Housing Corp. battened down the hatches and focused on addressing any absence management issues before they occurred. Now, Cindy Newell, the company’s director of human resources, says OCH is expecting to see fewer disability leaves post-pandemic, thanks to a proactive absence and disability management strategy […]

As the country began shutting down to focus on beating back the coronavirus at the height of the pandemic in March 2020, people with chronic health conditions fell to the back of the health-care line. “While all Canadians probably faced — to some extent — a negative impact due to some of the public health […]

SAP Canada Inc.’s vice-president and head of human resources talks embracing flexible working, keeping the “human” in HR and winter sports. Q. What top challenges do you face in your role? A. SAP is a global organization, so everything we do must be within the context of what works for us in the country but […]

Any return to the workplace, whether it’s after a medical or parental leave  — or say, following a global pandemic — requires consideration and care to ensure the psychological health and safety of employees. Every back-to-workplace plan, regardless of the context, should be developed in partnership with each individual employee and driven by their physical […]

The core public service, as well as air travel and rail employees, must all be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus by Oct. 29, according to Canada’s new mandatory vaccine policy. The federal government announced Wednesday that public servants must attest they’re fully vaccinated against the coronavirus by Oct. 29 or be put on unpaid administrative […]


The Royal Bank of Canada is applying the lessons it learned during the coronavirus pandemic to develop a hybrid work model for a wide range of employees and departments. “When we were all forced to work remotely in the spring of 2020, we realized we can do this and still get our work done,” says Lauren […]

A majority (62 per cent) of Canadians want to continue working from home at least 40 per cent of the work week once the coronavirus pandemic recedes, according to a global survey by LHH and the Adecco Group. The survey — which polled 14,800 workers in 25 countries, including 1,000 Canadians — also found more than […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 4, 2021 October 4, 2021
  • 09:00

With restrictions gradually lifting across the country this summer, employers started to turn their attention to their return to the workplace plans. Now, the fourth wave is underway and uncertainty continues to hang around us like a heavy, dust-covered curtain. But it’s time to clean up, move forward and set out plans for the big […]

In the old days, many employers served up one option for employees: work 9-to-5 in the office. Then the pandemic hit. For the past 18 months and counting, office workers around the globe have worked everywhere from their beds to their balconies to their backyards and many have logged hours in between helping kids with […]