Keyword: return to workplace

135 results found

When Lightspeed Commerce Inc. employees headed back to their office this year, they found a space double the size of their last with a restaurant serving free meals, a smoothie bar and a barista to craft custom drinks. “We’re making it a very unique experience and the entire office is kind of a lounging area […]

An article on Ontario’s incoming electronic monitoring policy was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Ontario’s electronic monitoring policy ensures employer transparency: lawyer 2. Expert panel: How employers, employees can mitigate workplace microaggressions 3. Majority of plan sponsors, plan members view their health benefits […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 7, 2022 October 6, 2022
  • 09:00

In the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, Shopify Inc.’s chief executive officer Tobi Lutke was among the first technology leaders to declare most of his staff would “permanently work remotely” because “office centricity is over.” His belief in remote work went so far that he even dropped listing Ottawa as the e-commerce giant’s headquarters […]


More than eight in 10 (85 per cent) global company leaders say the shift to hybrid work has challenged their confidence in employee productivity, according to a survey by Microsoft Corp. It found while 87 per cent of employees said they believe they’re productive at work, just 12 per cent of people leaders said they […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 28, 2022 September 28, 2022
  • 15:00

Nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) of Canadian benefits plan members say they’re extremely or very satisfied with working from home, according to the 2022 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey. It found levels of extreme or very high satisfaction were highest among those who also felt most productive working from home (89 per cent) and who were in […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 28, 2022 September 27, 2022
  • 09:00

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is lifting most coronavirus vaccination requirements for employees returning to the office. In a company memo, the bank informed employees that starting next week, they can work onsite regardless of their vaccination status, with no requirements to participate in regular testing or wear face coverings, according to a report by Bloomberg. […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
  • 15:00

Apple Inc. is making sudden changes to its return-to-workplace strategy for office-based workers. The policy, set to first take effect at the company’s Silicon Valley headquarters on Sept. 5, will require employees to work from the office on Tuesdays, Thursdays and a regular third day that will be determined by individual teams, according to a […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 19, 2022 August 18, 2022
  • 09:00

While the latest stage of the coronavirus pandemic is heralding a gradual return to relative calm, plan sponsors are stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire. The pandemic accelerated the ongoing evolution in the relationship between plan sponsors and plan members, with employees now looking to their employers to help them manage […]

The appointment of the TTC pension plan’s first director of investment risk and analytics was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. TTC pension plan appointing Danny Ip director of investment risk and analytics 2. More than 6.6M Canadians participating in employer-sponsored pension plans: […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 22, 2022 July 21, 2022
  • 09:00

Employees at Candu Energy Inc. were given just one business day’s notice to return to full-time onsite work, according to the union representing engineers, scientists and technicians at the company. The decision came in the midst of a labour dispute with employees represented by the Society of Professional Engineers and Associates, who began striking at the […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 9, 2022 June 9, 2022
  • 15:00