Keyword: risk management

201 results found

When defined contribution plan sponsors conduct due diligence on target-date fund providers, they’re often considering questions of active versus passively managed funds, the benefits of glide paths that glide to versus through retirement, strategic versus tactical funds and a provider’s approach to environmental, social and governance investing. But according to Sarah Donahue, director of consultant […]

Rising interest rates and market turmoil have called into question the ability of core fixed income to provide pension plan sponsors with its traditional benefits of stable returns and income, diversification and capital preservation. But Kevin Minas, vice-president and client portfolio manager of global fixed income at CIBC Asset Management Inc., said he actually expects […]

Managing risk in an era defined by escalating geopolitical tension, degenerating global trade networks and unprecedented economic turmoil is no simple task — and doing so well may require adopting a new perspective. “We aren’t thinking about risk in a way that’s appropriate for the world that we’re moving into,” said Janice Gross Stein, founding […]

Alongside a potential recession and lower global economic growth looming in 2023, defined benefit pension plan sponsors have several tools to minimize the impact of rising inflation, said Eric Menzer, senior portfolio manager and global head of outsourced chief investment officer and fiduciary solutions and multi-asset solutions at Manulife Investment Management, during a session at […]

The climate crisis puts the security of workers’ retirements at stake, said Patrick DeRochie, senior manager at Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health, during a session at the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2022 Risk Management Conference. Pension plan sponsors’ investment decisions and their ability to achieve adequate returns for their members depends on a […]

As institutional investors increasingly turn to private markets in their investment strategies, a holistic approach is required to understand the opportunity set and optimize exposure, said Darren Spencer, director and client portfolio manager of alternative investments at Russell Investments, during a session at the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2022 Risk Management Conference. Over the last 20 […]

While publicly traded real estate investment trusts have been impacted by rising interest rates, the extent of the impact varies from market to market, said Corrado Russo, managing partner and head of global securities at Hazelview Investments, during a session at the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2022 Risk Management Conference. “It’s not shocking to see those [markets] that […]

With market volatility increasing amid the convergence of multiple global events, institutional investors can turn to multi-asset credit to provide attractive levels of income and diversification as well as reposition their existing asset mix or risk budget, said Blair Reid, partner and senior portfolio manager for multi-asset at BlueBay Asset Management, part of RBC Global […]

The use of a four-state probability model can more accurately predict stock market phases and improve investment and risk management decisions, said Tom McCurdy, professor of finance and Bonham chair in international finance at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, during the Canadian Investment Review’s 2022 Risk Management Conference. The proposed model incorporates […]

Risk misperception is inherent in humans and has been since stone-aged men and women first roamed the earth, said Dan Gardner, a senior fellow at the University of Ottawa’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, during the Canadian Investment Review’s 2022 Risk Management Conference. People possess two systems that help them make decisions, he […]