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Fewer Canadians plan RRSP contributions

The percentage of Canadians who plan on contributing to their RRSP before the deadline at the end of next month is down slightly from last year, according to a poll issued by the Bank of Montreal. However, the survey found that those who have already contributed and those who are still planning to add to […]

Should saving for your kids’ education trump saving for retirement?

So you want to help your child get a good education…but you also need to make sure you retire on track. Which priority should come first? Here’s how you can balance your child’s needs with yours.

Tories would up RRSP cash-out for home buyers’ plan

The Conservatives would let first-time buyers take $35,000 from their RRSPs to pay for homes if they’re re-elected.

  • By: Staff
  • August 13, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 10:32
Canadians prefer TFSAs, RRSPs over CPP expansion

As Canada's premiers prepare to meet in St. John's this Wednesday, new data shows that most Canadians can't afford to save more for retirement, and wouldn't put any extra money into the CPP or QPP if they could.

  • By: Staff
  • July 13, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 10:32
Education Risk in CAP Plans

Education requirements are a litigation risk. A KPI approach can help.

  • June 24, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 08:21
The Dead Money Syndrome

Are Canadians saving too much and living too little? And if so, who's benefiting?

  • May 6, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 15:04
Budget could change RRIF withdrawal rules

The Conservative government is expected to court the support of older Canadians in next week's federal budget with a number of measures aimed at demonstrating that they're making seniors a priority.

Fewer Canadians make RRSP contributions

A smaller number of Canadians contributed to their RRSP, finds a BMO survey.

  • By: Staff
  • March 5, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 10:12
RRSP contributions left to last minute

Half of Canadians intending to contribute to an RRSP for the 2014 tax year have left it to the final two weeks before the March 2 deadline.

  • By: Staff
  • March 2, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 10:56
My Take: Do more to help your employees save

I’ve been saving for retirement in an RRSP since I began working, but my past employers haven’t done a great job of communicating the benefits of saving in their retirement savings plans. Companies should constantly remind members about the retirement savings plan(s) they offer. Send emails, hold monthly sessions—do whatever it takes to let employees […]