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Are CAP sponsors changing contribution rates amid coronavirus?

With companies finding themselves strapped for cash in the wake of the coronavirus, are plan sponsors scaling back on the company match in capital accumulation plans? Looking at the bigger picture in the U.S., companies are more focused on keeping their businesses running than on their defined contribution plans, says Peg Knox, chief operating officer […]

New report calling on feds to allow Canadians to buy annuities within TFSAs

A new report by the C.D. Howe Institute is recommending the federal government amend legislation to allow Canadians to buy life annuities within a tax-free savings account. It also suggested the government modifies the draft legislation creating advanced deferred life annuities and variable payment life annuities to make them both available within a TFSA. “More than 45,000 employers […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 19, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 10:15
CLHIA white paper calls for more flexible annuities in CAPs, TFSAs

As pension regulators move forward with legislation permitting annuity options for certain capital accumulation plans, the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association is calling on the federal government to make flexible annuities available for registered retirement savings plans, registered retirement income funds and tax-free savings accounts. In March 2019, the federal budget proposed enabling advanced life deferred annuities for […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 5, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 15:45
ACPM urging feds to modernize Canadian tax rules for pensions

In a new white paper, the Association of Canadian Pension Management is urging the federal government to reform the Income Tax Act rules for registered pension plans.  In the ACPM’s view, ITA reforms are required to build on government initiatives aimed at increasing retirement savings by updating the tax rules released in 1992 so they better reflect today’s socioeconomic environment and Canadians’ […]

Half of Canadians confident they can manage investments in retirement: survey

Many Canadians are interested in learning more about how to manage their money as they make the transition to retirement, according to a new survey by Mackenzie Investments. About half (47 per cent) of baby boomers said they want to know more about how to make the transition to retirement. This age group is slightly more […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 14, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:20
Why plan sponsors should be concerned about pension management fees

While group retirement compliance is a legal requirement in the U.S., Canadian plan sponsors only have a set of guidelines and best practices to follow. These are in place to help plan sponsors maintain fiduciary responsibility by keeping the interest of the plan member at the forefront of decisions regarding their group retirement plan. One […]

  • October 15, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 08:30

As a solution to employee inertia, many plan sponsors with defined contribution arrangements are looking at setting automatic features as their plan’s default option. When the Royal Bank of Canada redesigned its DC plan in 2012, it introduced auto-enrolment for all new plan members following a six-month waiting period. Before the change, employees had a […]

Pension, retirement benefits lead growth in Canadian insurance industry: CLHIA

Canadian insurers paid out $98 billion in benefits in 2018, an increase of seven per cent over 2017, according to the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association’s annual fact book. Similar to previous years, this was led by retirement benefits from annuities ($49 billion), health benefits for prescription drugs and extended health providers like dentists […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 6, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:00
How will advanced life deferred annuities work in practice?

With the private sector’s move from defined benefit to defined contribution pension plans and rising life expectancies, the issue of retirement decumulation is increasing in importance. Decumulation deals with converting retirement savings into income that must be managed over the rest of the retiree’s lifetime. It can be a challenge for Canadians who don’t have a significant […]

TFSA savers on the rise but plans misunderstood: survey

More Canadians are using tax-free savings accounts than registered retirement savings accounts, at 57 per cent compared to 52 per cent, according to a new survey by the Royal Bank of Canada. It found TFSAs are now the preferred option among Canadians aged 55 or over, a group that has primarily focused on RRSPs in […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 21, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 14:00