Institutional investors are putting China’s dominance as an emerging market under consideration at a time of economic uncertainty for the country typically known as a staple in the investment category. The uncertainty stems from several structural issues, such as the combination of an ageing population, high debt levels and weak fiscal status for local governments, […]
The Investment Management Corp. of Ontario believes an increasingly icy dynamic between the U.S. and China could lead to heightened volatility for institutional investors this year, says Nick Chamie, the IMCO’s chief strategist and senior managing director of total portfolio and capital markets. “If we’re no longer zeroing in on maximizing economic efficiency, we’re no longer […]
As U.S. President Joe Biden signs an executive order obstructing the departure of domestic capital from venture and private capital into China, it’s raising a red flag for institutional investors interested in significant returns from the advanced technology space. The executive order, which took effect earlier this month, branded the production of semi-conductors, quantum computers […]