Keyword: sick leave

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Employees affected by the coronavirus in British Columbia will qualify for up to three days of paid sick leave under proposed legislation that Premier John Horgan expects will plug holes in a federal plan and lay the groundwork for a permanent program. Horgan says the program will bridge the gap for workers between the time they first feel […]

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While the debate over paid sick days intensifies across Canada, only two provinces currently offer this benefit on a permanent basis. On April 30, Ontario passed a three-day sick leave policy — to be administered through the Workplace Insurance and Safety Board — retroactive to April 19 and ending on Sept. 25. Employers will be […]

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Workers in Ontario will soon be able access three paid sick days to help them self-isolate during the coronavirus pandemic, but critics said the policy announced April 28 falls far short of what’s required to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s government had for months resisted intense pressure from health experts and advocates […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Ottawa is in talks with Ontario as the province looks to provide paid sick days to employees, but stressed that such leave should be delivered directly through employers. The prime minister says Ontario should work through provincially-regulated businesses to implement a sick-leave program, as his government did with federally regulated […]

As it becomes increasingly clear that workplaces are a key transmission location in the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, some Canadian employers are offering paid sick leave to their employees in the absence of government action. Paid sick leave benefits, which allow workers to call in sick without fear of losing a day’s pay, […]

Ontario’s two biggest coronavirus hot spots are moving to temporarily close businesses with recent outbreaks of the virus, in an effort to rein in surging case counts experts said were fuelled by workplace spread. The City of Toronto and Peel Region announced within hours of each other Tuesday that they would issue updated orders requiring […]

In advance of the federal government’s 2021 budget, released on Monday, the Ontario government struck down a motion by the New Democratic Party seeking to create a provincial paid sick leave program. Advocates have long called on the province to bring in paid sick leave, saying it would help support essential workers during the coronavirus […]

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The City of Toronto is planning to bring the coronavirus vaccine to high-risk workplaces in an effort to stop the spread of the disease, the city’s mayor said Monday as pressure mounted on the province to vaccinate essential workers. Mayor John Tory says the city is currently developing the details of the plan, which will […]

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In its 2021 budget on Wednesday, the Ontario government said it’s requiring pension plan administrators to calculate and report their plan’s claim exposure to the pension benefits guarantee fund, to support the protection of benefits into the future. A review of the fund, discussed in the province’s 2020 budget, found there was a need for […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 25, 2021 March 25, 2021
  • 09:00

A new survey by Ipsos for the Canadian Cancer Society showed 88 per cent of Canadians support extending the employment insurance sickness benefit to at least 26 weeks from the current 15. The cancer society has long advocated for this measure to ensure people living with cancer have more paid time off of work to […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 25, 2021 February 26, 2021
  • 09:00