Keyword: sick leave

96 results found
Trudeau commits to working with provinces on paid sick leave

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed he’ll work with the provinces on creating 10 days of paid sick leave for all Canadians. “Nobody should have to choose between taking a day off work due to illness and having to pay their bills,” he said in his daily briefing on Monday. “That’s why the government will continue discussions […]

With the coronavirus pandemic set as the backdrop for the foreseeable future, employers are getting mixed signals about the best way to function safely and effectively. “You have to look at this from the perspective of [having] the federal government saying, ‘Here’s what we think you should do,'” says Kathleen Chevalier, partner at Stikeman Elliott […]

The federal New Democrats say all Canadians require access to two weeks of sick leave benefits as provinces start moving to reopen their economies while fighting the coronavirus and the federal government should pay for it. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said Wednesday that workers without sick leave who are put back on the job during the pandemic […]

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, virtual health care is taking centre stage. But Ontario Power Generation was ahead of the curve, introducing a pilot project in 2019 to help employees with high mental-health incidences and absenteeism rates minimize their sick leave usage. The pilot, implemented on July 1, 2019, provides about 500 hydro […]

Sick leave, accommodation, mental-health considerations for a post-pandemic return to work

As provincial governments start to lay out their plans for slowly reopening the economy, employers have a unique return-to-work scenario to handle. Appropriate sick leave and accommodation policies will be key pieces of the new normal, said Alex Boucher, principal and total health management leader at Mercer Canada, during a webinar on Friday. A second and possibly further […]

Majority of Canadian employers not changing benefits plan due to coronavirus: survey

More than two-thirds (68 per cent) of Canadian employers said they don’t intend to make changes to their benefits plan during the coronavirus crisis, according to a new survey by the Conference Board of Canada. The survey, which polled 333 organizations, found just 32 per cent said they’ve made changes to their benefits offering or are in […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 5, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
U.S. employers maintaining health benefits, considering other cost-cutting measures: survey

North American employers are attempting to strike a balance between supporting employees and reducing costs during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by Aon. The survey, which polled more than 1,400 North American companies, found 70 per cent said they’re giving their working parents additional flexibility around their schedules, while 57 per cent said they’re […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 23, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 15:00
Whole Foods employees walk out, demanding paid sick leave

Whole Foods Market Inc. employees called in sick on Tuesday to demand paid leave for all workers who stay home to self-quarantine during the coronavirus. The U.S.-based employees are also asking for free coronavirus testing for all workers, as well as hazard pay of double the current hourly wage for employees who show up to […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 31, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 15:15

It’s the only story around these days. COVID-19 — the coronavirus — has broken out all over the world, leading to strain on health-care resources, uncertainty in capital markets and strict social distancing and lockdown measures from governments. The pandemic is naturally causing fear, anxiety and uncertainty, both among employees and among managers. But here’s […]

Ontario establishes tax deferrals, special payments to support employers, workers

Ontario employers suddenly concerned about cash flow in the wake of the coronavirus will see some relief from measures announced by the provincial government in a special fiscal and economic update on Wednesday. The government is enacting a temporary change to the employer health tax exemption, cutting it by $355 million. With the change, 57,000 […]