Keyword: solvency funding

202 results found
Feds must act to protect Sears’ Canadian pensioners: CARP

The Canadian Association of Retired Persons is calling out the federal government, saying it’s unfair the pensions of Sears Holding Corp.’s American employees will be protected by the U.S.’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. while Canadian employees will see benefits cuts. The Canadian operation has been under court-ordered liquidation since June 2017, and Ontario’s superintendent of financial services ordered […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 22, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 09:15
N.S. auditor general report highlights troubling state of teachers’ pension plan

A report from Nova Scotia’s auditor general is once again highlighting the “troubling” state of the Nova Scotia teachers’ pension plan, which is 78.4 per cent funded and has a $1.4 billion deficit. The province is responsible for half of that figure. Auditor general Michael Pickup warned there is no formal plan on how to deal with […]


In the third quarter of 2018, Canadian defined benefit pension plans reached their highest solvency ratio of any quarter since November 2000, according to Mercer’s latest pension health index. Representing a hypothetical plan, the index reached a 112 per cent solvency level as of Sept. 28, 2018, up from 107 per cent at the ned of […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 1, 2018 January 13, 2021
  • 16:00

One of Neiman Marcus Group Ltd.’s debtholder believes the company could be in default based on a transaction involving the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. Marble Ridge Capital LP, which is invested in some of the group’s debt, namely its 8.75 per cent senior notes and term loans, sent a letter last week expressing serious concern over […]

Sears Canada’s court monitor opposes priority for pensioners over other creditors

A court-appointed monitor for the Sears Canada bankruptcy process says it opposes a proposal that would effectively allocate all the failed retailer’s remaining assets to the company’s underfunded pensions. FTI Consulting argued in a Sept. 7 filing to Ontario Superior Court that the pension proposal should be dismissed due to legislation and case law. A petition […]

How the CMHC closed its DC pension and returned to a DB plan

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. is having déjà vu. After closing its defined benefit plan to new members in 2013 and introducing a defined contribution component, the organization is now reversing course completely, closing its DC plan at the end of 2017 and re-opening its DB plan to all employees on Jan. 1, 2018. […]

DB pensions healthier off U.S. stocks gains, increased annuity purchases

Gains from U.S. equities and shrinking liabilities led to healthier Canadian defined benefit pension plans at the beginning of September, according to Aon’s latest data. Its median solvency ratio, which tracks the plans it administers, rose one percentage point since Aug. 1, 2018, to 102.9 per cent. The number of plans that are fully funded also rose […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 6, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 10:25
A road map to clarity on the multi-employer pension plan promise

While there are nuances, I consider a target-benefit plan to be one that determines benefits to members on a defined benefit basis while setting out employer contributions on a defined contribution basis. To allow for that mix, target-benefit plans permit benefit reductions when contributions fall short. My goal is to share what I consider an […]

  • By: Joe Nunes
  • August 10, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 08:53
A primer on Sears Canada employees’ battle to protect their pensions

With former Sears Canada Inc.’ employees set to see a 30 per cent reduction in their pension benefits beginning Aug. 1, Benefits Canada looks back at the saga. June 2017 — Sears Canada announces it’s seeking protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act as it faces a $308.6-million deficit related to its retirement benefit obligations. Read: Sears […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 1, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
Sears retirees asking court for company’s remaining funds for pension deficit

Sears Canada Inc. retirees, through Koskie Minsky LLP, filed a motion in court on Friday seeking the retailer’s remaining cash to help fund their pension shortfall. While the plan’s deficit sits at $260 million, the company currently holds about $135 million, according to a recent report by FTI Consulting Canada Inc., the court appointed monitor for the retailer’s insolvency. If the […]