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Employee burnout rose to 40 per cent in the third quarter of 2022, an eight per cent rise from May, with the most significant increase in the U.S., where 43 per cent of employees reported feeling burned out, according to a new global survey by Future Forum. The survey, which polled more than nearly 11,000 […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 24, 2022 October 21, 2022
  • 15:00

The Bank of Montreal is supporting employee mental health through several benefits, including access to a mindfulness app. “We really appreciate the proactive nature of it,” says Jeff Scott, global head of benefits and wellness at BMO. “We’re trying to strike a balance in our offerings where we have smart proactive offerings as much as […]


An article on the lack of benefits provided by small- and medium-sized employers in Eastern Canada was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. 80% of SMEs in Eastern Canada don’t provide employee benefits: survey 2. Bank of England intervened in bond market to […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 14, 2022 October 13, 2022
  • 09:00

Quebec-based consulting firm Big Bang ERP Inc. is supporting employee well-being through a focus on social and personal wellness, as well as enhanced benefits. Through its wellness committee, known as SoWell, the employer organizes group activities like sports or games nights, as well as yoga classes, healthy lunches and mindfulness mornings, says Julie Brunet, director of […]

Nearly half (47 per cent) of Canadian benefits plan members say their health was generally excellent or very good in the past year, up from 43 per cent in 2021, according to the 2022 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey. While just 10 per cent of plan members reported being in poor health, down from 13 per cent […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 23, 2022 September 22, 2022
  • 09:00

A fifth (22 per cent) of Canadian benefits plan members report their mental health over the past year was generally poor, more than twice the percentage (11 per cent) who said their overall health was poor, according to the 2022 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey. The survey, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, found […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 22, 2022 September 21, 2022
  • 09:00
Canadians’ financial well-being on the decline: survey

The majority (84 per cent) of employees who say they’re feeling stressed are saving less than five per cent of their pay, according to a new survey by the National Payroll Institute and the Financial Wellness Lab of Canada. The survey, which polled more than 3,000 Canadian employees, also found workers are saving less than […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 20, 2022 September 19, 2022
  • 09:00
Copyright_Andriy Popov_123RF

Nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of employees are experiencing high or moderate levels of stress, according to a new survey by Alight Solutions and Business Group on Health. The survey, which polled more than 10,000 employees across the globe, found more than a third (34 per cent) of workers reported symptoms of burnout and just […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 19, 2022 September 16, 2022
  • 09:00

The technology company’s senior benefits consultant on employee well-being, the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion and bikes races in Western Canada. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role?   A: Although there can be day-to-day challenges supporting our employees across Canada, Amazon continues to support the increased needs created by the coronavirus […]

  • By: Blake Wolfe
  • September 16, 2022 September 15, 2022
  • 08:51

Conversations about ‘Quiet Quitting’ are everywhere these days and one expert says it’s a “profound opportunity” for Canadian companies to get it right with employees and improve the work landscape for the future. Melissa Nightingale, co-founder of management training firm Raw Signal Group, says smart organizations will take this moment to try to understand current […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 30, 2022 August 30, 2022
  • 09:00