Keyword: substance abuse

22 results found
Dealing with employee addictions

Supporting an employee who is struggling with a substance addiction can be a huge challenge for many employers, and it is a challenge that’s not going away. Statistics Canada reports that one in 10 Canadians report symptoms consistent with substance dependency. The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse reports that substance abuse and addictions cost the Canadian economy $24.3 billion dollars in lost productivity.

  • February 14, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 07:30
Accommodating dependency in the workplace

For individuals who are dependent on alcohol and/or drugs, that dependency can be more than just a social issue—it can also can impact their performance at work. Drugs and alcohol not only affect people physically, but also mentally because their cognitive skills (e.g., decision-making skills) can become impaired, said Barb Butler, president of Barbara Butler […]