As membership in traditional defined benefit pension plans continues to decline, it’s becoming more common to see “contingent” plans — including target-benefit, shared-risk, multi-employer and jointly sponsored — which require members to take on at least some of the risk that benefits may or may not meet expectations. At the same time, the term “sustainability” is […]
An alliance of the world’s largest pension funds and insurers responsible for more than US$2.4 trillion in investments is committing to carbon-neutral investment portfolios by 2050. The commitment was launched by the newly formed, United Nations-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. It was introduced at the UN Climate Action Summit to strengthen commitments and accelerate the implementation of […]
The University of California is dumping fossil fuel investments from its nearly $84 billion pension and endowment funds, calling them a financial risk. An opinion article in Tuesday’s Los Angeles Times says the university will make its endowment fund “fossil free” by month’s end and its pension fund, which covers 320,000 people, will soon follow. Read: Divesting from […]
Amid growing concern about the financial risks of climate change, a pair of Canadian law professors is launching an effort to help corporate directors and pension trustees better understand the issue. The academics — Dr. Janis Sarra from the University of British Columbia and professor Cynthia Williams from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University […]
While many financial institutions are issuing green bonds, Sun Life Financial is the first insurance company globally to issue a sustainability bond, which will cover investments in both green assets and other assets serving a broader social purpose. Last week, Sun Life announced it’s issuing a $750 million principal amount of Series 2019-1 subordinated unsecured […]
While many financial institutions are issuing green bonds, Sun Life Financial is the first insurance company globally to issue a sustainability bond, which will cover investments in both green assets and other assets serving a broader social purpose. On Wednesday, Sun Life announced it’s issuing a $750 million principal amount of Series 2019-1 subordinated unsecured […]
Nearly half (46 per cent) of the world’s highest-emitting publicly listed companies aren’t adequately considering climate risk in their operational decision-making, according to a new report. Conducted for the Transition Pathway Initiative by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, the report used FTSE Russell data […]
When ESG, the catch-all acronym for environmental, social and governance, is discussed, a lot of terms are thrown around. As these issues increasingly play into institutional investors’ decision-making, they need to know what it all means. Climate change dominates among environmental concerns, but plastic waste is also holding investor attention. Major social issues include preventing […]
The Desjardins Group pension plan is acquiring a portion of EDF Renewables Canada Inc.’s stake in the Cypress Wind Project, pending the completion of its construction and other terms and conditions. Located southeast of Medicine Hat, Alta., the project will include 48 turbines with a combined capacity of 201.6 megawatts. Construction is expected to start in […]
An expert panel on sustainable finance is advocating for the government to implement a number of recommendations, including some related to pension plans and individual retirement savings accounts. For defined contribution plans, other group pension programs and registered retirement savings plans, the report suggested offering tax-based financial incentives for people who invest in accredited climate-conscious […]