U.K. – Benefits Canada.com https://www.benefitscanada.com Canada's most influential pension and benefits publication for decision-makers Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:34:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 IMF lowering growth, raising inflation expectations for 2023 https://www.benefitscanada.com/canadian-investment-review/cir-news/imf-lowering-growth-raising-inflation-expectations-for-2023/ Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:30:46 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=136455 The International Monetary Fund is altering its expectations for global economic growth and inflation in 2023. During a recent press conference, the United Nation’s financial agency said it expects the world’s economy to grow by 2.9 per cent and the overall inflation rate to reach seven per cent this year. In January, it predicted the annual […]

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RSA U.K. Pension Trustees entering £6.5BN annuity buy-in https://www.benefitscanada.com/pensions/defined-benefit-pensions/rsa-u-k-pension-trustees-entering-6-5bn-annuity-buy-in/ Wed, 01 Mar 2023 14:00:10 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=134643 RSA U.K. Pension Trustees, a subsidiary of Intact Financial Corp., is de-risking roughly £6.5 billion in U.K. defined benefit pension liabilities with an annuity buy-in. The deal, which will be completed with Pension Insurance Corp., will transfer all remaining economic and demographic risks associated with the Royal Insurance Group Pension Scheme and the Sal Pension Scheme, […]

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The Royal Mail Group’s road to offering U.K. employees a collective DC plan https://www.benefitscanada.com/news/bencan/the-royal-mail-groups-road-to-offering-u-k-employees-a-collective-dc-plan/ Fri, 19 Mar 2021 04:51:09 +0000 https://www.benefitscanada.com/?p=96493 The Royal Mail Group Ltd. will soon make history in the United Kingdom by becoming the first employer to sponsor an entirely new type of pension plan, called a collective defined contribution scheme. Under the U.K.’s Pension Schemes Act 2021, which received royal assent in February, collective DC pensions will essentially be a hybrid of […]

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Turning thought into action to strengthen Canada’s retirement income system https://www.benefitscanada.com/canadian-investment-review/investments-other/turning-thought-into-action-to-strengthen-canadas-retirement-income-system/ https://www.benefitscanada.com/canadian-investment-review/investments-other/turning-thought-into-action-to-strengthen-canadas-retirement-income-system/#respond Fri, 20 Mar 2020 05:47:19 +0000 https://cumulus.benefitscanada.com/uncategorized/turning-thought-into-action-to-strengthen-canadas-retirement-income-system/ With Canada ranking only ninth out of 37 countries on the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index, more can be done to move it up the list, said Keith Ambachtsheer, director emeritus at the International Centre for Pension Management, speaking at the Canadian Investment Review’s Plan Sponsor Exchange conference in February. Canada has an aging demographic […]

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