unpaid leave Page 4

Keyword: unpaid leave

34 results found
What do Canada’s provinces offer around bereavement leave?

Alberta is implementing it’s first job-protected bereavement leave as of Jan. 1, 2018. In addition to the death of an immediate family member or of a spouse, the three-day unpaid leave is also available for the loss of a person the employee isn’t related to but considers to be like a close relative. Bereavement leave is available for employees across […]

A primer on Canada’s patchwork of rules for reservist leave

While governments across Canada are introducing a slew of changes to leave policies for reasons related to emergency situations, illness and domestic violence, one area tends to get less attention: the needs of reservists in the Canadian Forces. As with many areas of employment legislation, the rules often differ across the country. At the federal […]

  • By: Ryan Murphy
  • December 21, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:15
Financial Literacy Month: Western moves beyond pensions in week of workshops

In its sixth year of offering employees educational workshops during Financial Literacy Month, Western University has changed its approach this time by delivering information on a range of topics rather than just the organization’s pension plans. In the past, the university has used the financial literacy focus to communicate the details of its two defined contribution plans, […]

While the discussions around the reasons employees need to miss work are getting more specific in many provinces, leave options remain fuzzy to non-existent from a government perspective for many emergency scenarios. On Wednesday, Ontario passed a new bill that includes expanding personal emergency leave to 10 days per year for all employees, with at least two paid […]