Keyword: voluntary benefits

26 results found
The rising power of the consumer in the benefits arena

I recently presented at an employee benefits conference in the United States. As you would expect, much of the discussion was focused on Obamacare, however, there was a considerable amount of attention on worksite marketing and voluntary benefits.

Importance of voluntary benefits to surge

As the United States prepares for healthcare reform, almost half of American employers anticipate that voluntary benefits and services will become a more crucial part of their rewards strategy in the coming years.

  • By: Staff
  • August 8, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 14:52
Finance execs concerned about benefits costs, pension funding: survey

The rising price tag of healthcare and the risks and costs associated with funding pension plans continue to be a concern for finance executives in the United States.

  • By: Staff
  • July 25, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 10:55
Most employees favour voluntary benefits

Nearly all American employees believe that voluntary work benefits help them simplify and secure their increasingly complex and unpredictable lives, according to a survey.

The retention factor of voluntary benefits

Adding these benefits won’t cost you anything, but will carry value with employees. Payroll budgets may be more robust than they were a year ago, with some employers even hoping to expand their workforce, but there still isn’t a whole lot of wiggle room for new programs. So, how can employers stand out in an […]

The key to any successful benefits plan is a program that satisfies the plan objectives while responding to the (increasingly diverse) needs/wants of employees in a cost effective manner. Based on these measures, flexible benefits work. If flex works, will voluntary benefit plans work, too? There are pros and cons on both sides, and plenty […]