It seems reasonable to assume that people working in healthcare would be more health-conscious than others. But hectic schedules, long hours and working in a stressful environment can make it difficult for staff to focus on their personal health.
Corporate wellness initiatives have moved beyond simply providing discounts to gyms and offering healthy options in the cafeteria.
Employee mental health is a growing challenge for employers, and it’s recognized as the No. 1 cause of lost productivity in the workplace.
Canadians may know how to protect their health, but many aren’t taking the time or making the effort to do so, according to a study by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Manulife Financial’s web-based Health Service Navigator feature is now available free-of-charge to those who hold health insurance and critical illness insurance through Manulife’s Affinity Markets. The online portal provides users with news and tools to assist them in navigating the Canadian healthcare system, including a health screening guide, community support groups, a health and drug […]
Workplace stress is harming your staff’s mental health and your bottom line, says Towers Watson. Rising health costs, combined with increased employee absence, stress and disability, are creating a double-whammy for employers—in terms of both cost control and workforce productivity.
With insurance costs rising for North American companies and their employees, implementing innovative solutions to improve wellness and slow down costs has become a business imperative. But reducing this steep climb in health costs is actually easier than one might think. With some simple ideas and a bit of determination on the part of employers […]
From Lafarge’s perspective, why is focusing on health and wellness a good business strategy? If we’re spending money on benefits above and beyond what the actual cost should be, it takes money out of the actual business operating budget, and we need to come up with that money somewhere else. Has Lafarge received recognition for […]
Lafarge North America is a leading supplier of construction materials. Until a few years ago, it was losing its battle against increasing healthcare costs in the U.S. and high disability costs in Canada. But the Reston, Va.-based supplier has since implemented a health and wellness strategy as part of its larger North American HR procedure. In […]
While Canadian employers understand the importance of workplace wellness, many are struggling to create comprehensive programs to actually improve employee health—and their bottom lines. That’s the finding of the 2011 Buffett National Wellness Survey, released Oct. 25 at the launch of Sun Life Financial’s 2011 series of Wellness Institute Breakfasts in Toronto. The good news […]