Keyword: wellness programs

445 results found
Seneca College’s EAP schooling remote workers on fitness

As remote working continues amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Seneca College is increasingly promoting employee fitness. “Employee fitness has always been a high priority for us, but with the pandemic we’ve been talking about it even more,” says Felisha Ali, project and program coordinator for leadership and employee development at Seneca. She says staff have […]

  • By: Blake Wolfe
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 09:00
How CAA’s wellness app is evolving during the pandemic

Wellness apps are becoming an increasingly popular perk for Canadian employers to offer employees, particularly as stress continues to soar as the coronavirus pandemic drags on. CAA Club Group was ahead of the pack, launching its wellness app company-wide in 2018. However, a wide range of meditation and mindfulness apps are available, so plan sponsors have to do […]

Magna’s data-driven wellness strategy proving focus on analytics reduces costs

Magna International Inc. is using data to personalize its wellness program, increase employee engagement and reduce costs. In 2012, the Canadian automobile parts manufacturer established its own internal health and wellness team. At first, the program focused solely on disseminating basic educational materials, such as quarterly newsletters, posters and handouts, said Dr. Krista Markew, manager […]

Gallagher acquiring Quebec-based Optimum Talent

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. is acquiring integrated talent management firm Optimum Talent Inc. With this acquisition, the Quebec-based company will gain access to Gallagher’s resources, enabling it to further enhance its plan sponsor offerings, noted a press release. As well, the merger will allow Gallagher to expand its reach in the benefits and human resources consulting […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 6, 2020 November 6, 2020
  • 15:00
EQ Care launching free pandemic support program

EQ Care is offering free access to its on-demand mental-health support program to help people cope as Canada endures a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. “Being committed to empathetic and compassionate care for the last 30 years, we recognize the important role EQ Care is privileged to play in improving the health of Canadians during this challenging […]

Like a spiky meteorite, when the coronavirus pandemic hit earlier this year it demolished employer’s best-laid plans and is forcing them to find innovative ways to support, motivate and retain employees. During a virtual roundtable on Oct. 16, the 2020 Workplace Benefits Awards finalists discussed how they’ve quickly responded to everything from employee mental health to supporting financial wellness […]

SSQ wins wellness pioneer award for 15-year well-being focus

Highlighting a long-standing commitment to the health of its employees, SSQ Life Insurance Co. was awarded the Sanofi Canada Wellness Pioneer Award at Benefits Canada‘s 2020 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 16. Its health and wellness program, which was established 15 years ago, integrates health prevention and health promotion, a lever it considers essential to […]

Scotiabank secured its second win at Benefits Canada‘s 2020 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 16 for adapting its existing benefits and introducing new resources to support employees in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. In the Coronavirus and Benefits category for an employer with more than 5,000 employees, the bank’s entry outlined how it transitioned 60 […]

Telus Health launching mental-health app for frontline workers, first responders

Telus Health is launching a mobile mental-health app for frontline workers, first responders and their families. The app, Espri, aims to provide confidential and ready access to crisis and prevention support, as well as mental wellness tools, such as a resource hub, task manager, a video-conferencing feature and resources list. “The current health emergency has highlighted […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 27, 2020 October 27, 2020
  • 08:30
TMX Group awarded for mobilizing to support staff well-being during coronavirus

With 95 per cent of employees working from home as of mid-March, TMX Group Ltd.’s wellness team quickly mobilized to create and implement a weekly virtual wellness program to keep them happy, healthy, engaged and motivated during a truly challenging time. The program, which was rolled out across the first 10 weeks of the coronavirus […]