Keyword: work-life balance

406 results found

Employees who think about their upcoming role at work during their morning commutes are less likely to be negatively affected, according to a recent study by the Harvard Business School. The study noted the average commute time for employees is 38 minutes each way, meaning each commuter spends nearly 300 hours travelling between work and home in […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 27, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 09:45

Employers are offering more innovative ways for workers to take time off, according to a survey  by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. The survey, which compiled responses from more than 600 U.S. human resources and benefits professionals and other stakeholders, found 59 per cent of organizations provide a paid vacation plan while 36 […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 10, 2019 December 3, 2020
  • 09:30

Today’s modern world is constantly shifting, piling more and more layers on for people attempting to juggle, and balance, the responsibilities of work and life. Since taking the reins as editor of this magazine 10 months ago, I’ve certainly felt the pressure. While finding a new managing editor to replace my former role and learning the […]

Technology is changing the way we live, but it’s also affecting how work is done and the way workspaces are designed. Indeed, computers have made the need for a core physical space where employees work together almost obsolete. In 2018, Harvard researchers Ethan Bernstein and Stephen Turban studied this concept with 150 employees for three […]

Since recreational cannabis was legalized across Canada six months ago, related workplace problems have mainly been notable by their absence. “It’s been a surprising lack of significant issues arising in the workplace,” said Angelo Tsebelis, president at Starseed Medicinal Inc., during a panel at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Benefits and Pension Summit in Toronto on Wednesday. This […]

More women leaving work to care for older relatives: study

As the need for elder care is increasing so are the related work disruptions, with more women than men taking on the responsibility, according to a new study by the Institute for Work and Health. The study used figures from Statistics Canada’s labour force survey, which compiled responses from more than 5.8 million workers, aged 40 and […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 9, 2019 September 19, 2019
  • 15:00

Today’s corporate culture of always being on and available has led to higher levels of work-life conflict where men are struggling to balance their new roles in society, according to a study by Deloitte’s Doblin human-centred design and human capital consulting practices. According to the study, men are now facing backlash when stepping outside traditional […]


While half of workers frequently work outside the office, 11 per cent said their employer has no security protocols for using work-related electronic devices offsite, according to a new study of Canadian employees by document destruction company Shred-it. “The study findings serve as a wake-up call for executives, as we see a large portion of employees either working […]

My Take: Employer support important when managing child’s mental-health issue

It’s estimated by the Mental Health Commission of Canada that 1.2 million children and youth in Canada are affected by mental illness, but less than 20 per cent will receive the appropriate treatment. But I don’t need the numbers to know about the crisis facing our youth when it comes to mental-health issues. I’ve been living […]

Employees have multi-dimensional lives, with responsibilities outside the workplace that affect how they perform within it. This is why companies that are consistently recognized as family-friendly are maximizing their workers’ potential by helping take care of their families through benefits and wellness programs. Samuel, Son & Co., a family owned and operated metal and distribution […]