
Keyword: xennial

2 results found
2018 CAP Suppliers Report: How to help contract workers save for retirement

As the traditional workforce evolves and the era of the 25-year career with a single company comes to an end, the contract employee is likely here to stay. While it’s a worldwide phenomenon, gig workers now comprise a good portion of Canada’s working population. Some 2.2 million Canadians were categorized as temporary employees in September […]

Key innovations to help millennials navigate the pension jungle

While retirement may not yet be at the top of millennials’ priority lists, it won’t be long before they arrive on the pension scene. How can the industry prepare for their arrival? And what might the rejuvenation look like? Let’s start by examining the pension world as we know it today. On the workplace front, […]

  • By: Bita Jenab
  • February 9, 2018 March 17, 2021
  • 08:56