4 ETF trends

As investors worry about economic growth prospects and overvalued stock prices, their concerns are having an impact on exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

A couple of reports on money flowing in and out of ETFs last month points to four important investment trends to watch out for in the months ahead.

  1. Widespread flight to safety – In April, investor caution over future economic growth sped up a flight to safety, with fixed income flows accelerating to US$9.9 billion after a slow March. That’s according to BlackRock’s Global ETP Landscape report. European fixed income funds led the way with US$2.3 billion followed by U.S. Treasury funds which surprised with a jump of US$1.9 billion, despite widespread concerns about rising interest rates. Emerging markets debt experienced its biggest inflows in two years—US$1.1 billion.
  2. Changing views on China – Investors shuffled their China exposure in April according to BlackRock’s data. While broad emerging markets equities gained US$2.5 billion in assets, China equity flows marked a shift away from mainland listed A-shares into Hong Kong listed H-shares. All told, investors pulled US$11.6 billion from mainland China and put US$3.9 billion into Hong Kong.
  3. Concerns about U.S. stocks continue – BlackRock’s report also notes outflows from U.S. equities (US$15.5 billion in total) with weakness in large and small cap funds.
  4. Canada’s still growing – A report from London-based ETFGI showed ETF assets in Canada hitting a new record of US$69.9 billion in April. This was led by fixed income ETFs at US$701 million followed by equities (US$56 million).
  5. Commodities are still on the outs – Canadian investors shed their commodity ETFs with outflows of US$24 million for the month of April, according to ETFGI.

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