The conflation of medical and recreational cannabis can present challenges when it comes to workplace policies, says Gregory Clooney, a lawyer and senior legal consultant at Morneau Shepell Ltd. “This should be avoided as these are two very different concepts to be addressed within their own context,” he says. “Yes, there’s some potential overlap, but this can […]
Benefits fraud is a top concern among plan sponsors and insurance carriers, as it makes the cost of providing benefits plans more expensive, leading to higher insurance premiums. At Benefits Canada’s 2019 Benefits and Pension Summit in Toronto on April 17, Shelley Frohlich, director of fraud risk management in Sun Life Financial Inc.’s group benefits division, will […]
With the availability of more than 318,000 digital apps, and the development of more than 80,000 new ones each year, it’s a wonder Canada’s workplace health benefits plans haven’t moved more quickly to digital. This is likely due to the country’s siloed health-care system, with each province and jurisdiction taking its own approach. Streamlining the […]
Today’s corporate culture of always being on and available has led to higher levels of work-life conflict where men are struggling to balance their new roles in society, according to a study by Deloitte’s Doblin human-centred design and human capital consulting practices. According to the study, men are now facing backlash when stepping outside traditional […]
While half of workers frequently work outside the office, 11 per cent said their employer has no security protocols for using work-related electronic devices offsite, according to a new study of Canadian employees by document destruction company Shred-it. “The study findings serve as a wake-up call for executives, as we see a large portion of employees either working […]
Since the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation introduced online cognitive behavioural therapy, nearly 3,000 plan members have signed up to use it. The mobile-friendly program is provided by B.C.-based Starling Minds. It found those who’ve used the online CBT reported reduced anxiety, sadness and worry. As well, some 71 per cent indicated they were less likely to spend time away from work as a […]
How can search terms help predict elections? Do parents secretly favour boys over girls? For Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a former data scientist at Google and the author of Everybody Lies, the answer to these questions isn’t found in traditional polls commonly used in most sectors, but rather in the billions of Google searches people make every day. Exploring choice […]
Canada’s gender pay gap is at 16.1 per cent, with women earning roughly $0.84 for every dollar earned by men, according to a new survey by Glassdoor Inc. The study, which looked at the wages earned by men and women in eight countries, found when statistical controls are applied for employee and job characteristics — including age, […]
It’s estimated by the Mental Health Commission of Canada that 1.2 million children and youth in Canada are affected by mental illness, but less than 20 per cent will receive the appropriate treatment. But I don’t need the numbers to know about the crisis facing our youth when it comes to mental-health issues. I’ve been living […]
How do employers enable their workforces in the era of disruption? Smart organizations are figuring this out by understanding what skill sets they’ll need in the future and preparing their employees through learning and development, said Tanya Blom, talent acquisition program manager at LinkedIn Corp., during a panel discussion at an event hosted by Microsoft in Toronto on […]