Need to get reimbursed for your chiropractic appointment this morning? No problem: your healthcare provider can submit your claim electronically right after your visit. Or you can use your smartphone or tablet to do it yourself—all in a matter of minutes.
The rise of big data means information is coming into organizations in greater volume, variety and velocity than ever before.
Demography is becoming a headwind rather than a tailwind, said Erik Weisman, investment officer and portfolio manager, fixed income, with MFS Investment Management, at this year's CPBI Forum.
Technology has grown exponentially, but healthcare systems have not kept pace, said Daniel Kraft, executive director, exponential medicine and factory chair, Medicine Singularity University, at the CPBI Forum in New York City. "In many ways, medicine and healthcare is still being practiced like it's 1846."
Less than half of workers report they and/or their spouse have ever tried to calculate how much money they will need to have saved so that they can live comfortably, said Sally Bradley-Golding, vice-president, strategic alliances, Financial Engines, at this year's CPBI Forum in New York City. That's according to the 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
As the baby boomer generation moves en masse toward retirement, there’s been a lot of talk about retirement income adequacy—and a lot of concern. Are people saving enough? With increased longevity, will they outlive their assets or be forced into a reduced standard of living?
Decumulation is a critical issue for DC plan members, since the decisions they make during that stage can have a significant impact on their income. “There is a fundamental fact that whatever you do at the time of decumulation, that decision has twice as much effect on your retirement income than all the things you’ve […]
At 63, Michael (Mike) Gates Gill found himself jobless and diagnosed with cancer—and without any retirement savings or health insurance.
Manulife research shows one in three workers are struggling with their finances. So should plan sponsors offer access to professional advisors to help?
Watch any science fiction movie, and you’ll see a world where robots take on many of our daily tasks. But David Rose, researcher at the MIT Media Lab and keynote speaker at our 2015 Benefits & Pension Summit, foresees a different future. Technology is becoming increasingly integrated in our lives. And social robots do exist, […]