Despite the less than optimal economic circumstances in Canada, companies polled in Mercer’s 2009 Compensation Planning Survey say that they are still committed to investing in talent and that they recognize the need to have the right people in their organizations. “We haven’t reached a recession yet in Canada, but we are weakening at the […]
Wired and Ready September 01, 2008 | April Scott-Clarke How plan sponsors and providers can keep their members engaged, educated and entertained online. From surfing and shopping to banking and investing, people want to be able to do it all online. The Internet has changed the way we do business and the way we communicate, […]
Encouraging generic substitutes and having restrictive formularies are strategies often used by plan sponsors to combat the ever-rising cost of prescription drugs. But despite these efforts, plan sponsors are still struggling to keep plans affordable. Some experts suggest looking beyond drug plan guidelines and administration to find cost-containment solutions. At the recent Solutions in Drug […]
Employee assistance programs (EAPs) first appeared in the workplace in the 1940s to help employees resolve alcohol issues. Sixty years later, alcoholism and substance abuse is still a serious matter but it’s not the main reason people are calling EAPs. According to Sean Slater, national practice director for EAP and organizational wellness, with Ceridian Canada, […]
Helping Hands July 01, 2008 | April Scott-Clarke How employers can get the most from their employee assistance programs. Employee assistance programs (EAPs), also called employee family assistance programs (EFAPs), are becoming a staple among large and mid-size companies. Even smaller companies are starting to adopt them. The programs, which have evolved from counselling and […]
Other Brieflies this week:| MON | | WED | THU | FRI | Julius Baer Americas is now Artio Global Investors. The change took effect on June 15. Artio Global Investors is now a subsidiary of Artio Global Management LLC (formerly Julius Baer Investment Management Inc). It provides investment management services and is best known […]
Other Brieflies this week:| MON | | WED | THU | FRI | Employers in the U.K. are taking an interest in helping their employees plan their financial futures, reveals a survey conducted by Watson Wyatt. The survey found that 73% of large U.K. employers want to offer financial education and planning assistance to their […]
Other Brieflies this week:| MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | Scotia, RBC and CIBC lead FX Markets According to research done by Greenwich Associates, Canadian foreign exchange trading volumes increased 70% in 2007 from 2006, with growth spanning nearly all foreign exchange products, including swaps, forwards and emerging markets currencies. Scotia […]
As many accountants and actuaries know, come January 1, 2011, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) will be implemented, which will drastically affect how Canadian companies report their employee benefits. And these changes aren’t to be taken lightly. Kevin Sorhaitz, principal and actuary consultant with Buck Consultants along with company president and CEO Cameron McNeill […]
Learn which Canadian plan sponsors ranked highest for member satisfaction in this year’s 30 Best Pension and Benefits Plans report. The Old Boys’ Club that once dominated the Canadian workforce has been replaced with a more inclusive group. Today’s labour market is a diverse population with a variety of different needs—needs that employers must try […]