The process for reviewing and approving new cancer drugs in Canada takes almost twice as long as that in the United States and is longer than the approval times in Europe, concludes a new report from the public policy think tank Fraser Institute.
More than one-third of Canadians have gone or have had a family member go without needed health care because of insufficient insurance coverage, a new poll indicates.
Seven of Canada’s leading health care organizations have joined together to launch new electronic tools to help Canadians use their medications safely and appropriately.
Patients from coast to coast are tapping into the healthcare knowledge, expertise and services available at their local pharmacy, according to a Nielsen survey commissioned by the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores (CACDS).
Originally from our sister publication, The number of new prescription medications covered by provincial and territorial insurance plans dropped substantially after a national review body began assessing the cost-effectiveness of drugs in 2003, a study has found. Researchers also discovered that newly approved drugs were listed for coverage more quickly in several of the […]
Originally from our sister publication, . A Toronto-based researcher is at the helm of a massive, worldwide study published in Nature that identifies the top global challenges and priorities in mental health. Abdallah S. Daar, senior scientist with the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health at University Health Network (UHN) and the University of Toronto (U […]
The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) welcomed the announcement of an agreement reached between the Government of British Columbia, the British Columbia Pharmacy Association, and the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores to lower generic drug prices and invest in expanded pharmacy services. The agreement will see generic drug prices lowered to 35% of their brand […]