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According to a research note produced by Deutsche Bank last week, institutional investors in the US now hold 53% of all ETF assets versus 47% for retail investors as institutions like brokers, registered investment advisors, hedge funds and mutual funds push further into the ETF space. Institutional use of ETFs has been rising steadily over the last decade, with 2,545 institutional investors owning ETFs at the end of 2011 versus just 405 in 2000.

  • March 25, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 09:50

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has finally released its comments and proposals around how ETFs should be regulated in the future. No big surprises here – but the IOSCO proposals do go straight to the heart of the matter by getting serious about tracking error, something too few investors understand.

  • March 19, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 07:47

Factor-based portfolios that rely on Barra factors like momentum, value, growth and volatility don’t always cut it in Canadian markets, according to research by Pyramis Global Markets.

  • March 16, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 14:10

Research puts Barra to the test in the Canadian market.

  • March 16, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 12:45

Traditionally investors have viewed ETFs as passive strategies that replicate the performance of an index. That is changing, however, with the growing popularity of strategy funds that seek to add a layer of active management to what has tended to be a passive approach.

  • March 12, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 13:42

U.S. pension funds are turning to farmland to harvest better returns at a time when other asset classes are underperforming.

  • March 12, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 10:02

Allocations soar among big U.S. funds.

  • March 8, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 11:06

Last week, we saw the launch of one of the most hyped ETFs ever – PIMCO debuted an exchange-traded version of its Total Return Bond Fund (TRXT), the largest bond fund in the world. Here’s my top five list of what the launch of TRXT might (or might not) mean for the future of ETFs.

  • March 5, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 10:23

Investor demand for targeted bond ETFs shows how much the bond space is changing -- and how fixed income portfolios are starting to look as diverse as equity portfolios.

  • February 27, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 11:05

Author says hedge funds' average return is less than t-bills.

  • February 21, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 15:42