Home Caroline Cakebread

What if there was a magic wand you could wave to rid your corporate balance sheet of all your defined benefit (DB) pension liabilities? Or if, for a fee, someone could walk away with all your DB plan risk before it was splashed all over your financial statements for wary shareholders to scrutinize? It’s not […]

  • February 28, 2007 September 13, 2019
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Want to catch a glimpse of the future? Take a look at some of the tires plan sponsors are currently kicking. From liability-driven investing to strategies that separate alpha and beta, today’s plan sponsors are on the hunt for new ways to tackle old challenges, as they seek to manage risk and meet their mounting […]

  • November 27, 2006 September 13, 2019
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Bob Bertram, executive vice-president, investments, with the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and BENEFITS CANADA’s Top 40 Money Managers Lifetime Achievement Award winner had just come from a meeting about retirement residences with veteran real estate investor, Paul Reichmann. While retirement residences might just be the next wave, Bertram has pioneered many of the strategies and […]

  • November 27, 2006 September 13, 2019
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It’s been a hard few years for defined benefit(DB) plan sponsors. Low interest rates, poor equity market performance and a host of regulatory challenges have led to major shifts in their approach to asset management. And money managers have had to keep up with the changes, developing new and better approaches. It’s been challenging, but […]

  • October 20, 2006 September 13, 2019
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From value to growth, Canadian pension funds have looked to different investment styles over the years to help them meet their returns and manage risk. In examining style trends among Canadian plan sponsors, one need not look further than some of the fastest-growing money managers on our Top 40 list for their thoughts. Which investment […]

  • September 25, 2006 September 13, 2019
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  Alpha-hungry plan sponsors are letting their managers out of the box—the style box, that is. And it’s not just about value and growth—increasingly, managers are being asked to go beyond borders when it comes to building an international portfolio. Last year international equity overtook U.S. equity as the most popular single product category according […]

  • September 25, 2006 September 13, 2019
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Coverage of the 2006 Infrastructure Investment Summit. From bridges to roads to hospitals, pension funds are increasingly looking at opportunities to invest in key infrastructure services around the world. The long-term fundamentals are attractive and there are those who say infrastructure investing is the perfect asset class for pension funds. With that in mind, the […]

  • September 1, 2006 September 13, 2019
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As the 1970s wound to a close, BENEFITS CANADA’s list of Top 40 Money Managers was dominated by big trusts and insurance companies. Today, few of the top ten of 1979 even exist in their current form, having been scooped up by others during various mergers and acquisitions. Back in 1999, for instance, the change […]

  • August 31, 2006 September 13, 2019
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© Copyright 2006 Rogers Publishing Ltd. The following article first appeared in the July 2006 edition of BENEFITS CANADA magazine. A fine balance: Top 40 Special Report   The top 20 balanced managers include the very best money managers in Canada. But with sponsors moving towards specialist mandates, what will the future hold?   By Caroline […]

  • July 1, 2006 September 13, 2019
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It’s getting a lot more interesting for the top foreign money managers in Canada. With the elimination of the Foreign Property Rule last year, many believe the road ahead is paved with global opportunities as Canadian plan sponsors look abroad for new sources of returns. Global equities, real estate, commodities, infrastructure—the universe now seems endless […]

  • June 1, 2006 September 13, 2019
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