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The next generation of employees thinks the most important factor when deciding where to work is not a good health and benefits plan or a good starting salary, but the opportunity for advancement, says a study. In the study—entitled The next generation at work – business students’ views, values and job search strategy–business students across […]

  • August 24, 2007 September 13, 2019
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Older workers may be dampening the threat of a sudden and severe labour shortage as baby boomers retire by staying in the workforce longer, says a study by Statistics Canada. The study—Participation of older workers—found that an estimated 2.1 million people between the ages of 55 and 64 were either employed or looking for work […]

  • August 24, 2007 September 13, 2019
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The Government of New Brunswick recently proclaimed Bill 66, which amends the province’s Pension Benefits Act(PBA)to require plan sponsors to fully fund their defined benefit pension plans on wind-up, says Morneau Sobeco’s News & Views publication. Previously, the act only required sponsors to remit contributions that were due as of the date of wind-up. This […]

  • August 23, 2007 September 13, 2019
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Ontario has made changes to its locking-in provisions, following the footsteps of the western provinces that have introduced different forms of “unlocking” of pension funds over the past few years, says ACS/Buck’s extra! newsletter. Effective next year, a new Life Income Fund(LIF)is being introduced to take the place of current LIFs and Retirement Income Funds(RIFs). […]

  • August 22, 2007 September 13, 2019
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Standard Life has launched The Plan for life program, designed to help Canadians plan for the financial realities of life and retirement. The company has created learning materials in a variety of formats that respond to the needs of varying demographics of the Canadian workforce. It’s a multimedia program that offers communications, investment tools and […]

  • August 22, 2007 September 13, 2019
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The implosion of the subprime mortgage market in the United States and the subsequent drop in global equity markets recently has left many pension funds wondering about the long-term implications for their funding status. Stock markets around the world took a beating and a panic sent investors running for the doors. By August 21, the […]

  • August 22, 2007 September 13, 2019
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The CPP Investment Board is investing $572.4 million in the ProLogis European Fund II(PEPF II), which focuses on acquiring and managing a diversified portfolio of core institutional-quality distribution facilities in Europe. Its investment represents approximately 17% of the total fund. Denver-based ProLogis is the leading global developer and operator of distribution facilities in Europe with […]

  • August 21, 2007 September 13, 2019
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Institutional investors are more confident this month, according to the State Street Investor Confidence Index. Its index has risen by 13 points to a level of 99.3. Leading the way were North American institutional investors, whose risk appetite rose by a full 21 points to 116.5. In Europe, investors consolidated the pullback they began last […]

  • August 21, 2007 September 13, 2019
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Despite the market decline over the past month, this volatility reflects the normal functioning of healthy, expanding capital markets, says Ian Russell, president and CEO of the Investment Industry Association. Since the beginning of 2003, the average value of Canadian stocks, as reflected in the S&P/TSX index, has more than doubled. Since the end of […]

  • August 20, 2007 September 13, 2019
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The recent decline in the stock market has brought down the funded position of pension plans, but plans are still in better shape now than they were at the beginning of the year. The health of pension plans has been improving steadily over the past few years and according to the Mercer Pension Health Index—which […]

  • August 20, 2007 September 13, 2019
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